Chapter 5

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"Why is he bleeding?" the teacher asked Liu Xin, one eyebrow raised into a 'Are-you-kidding-me?'-look.

She simply shrugged and put on her best innocent face.

"Because he's an idiot."

Jin Chang glared at her from behind the elder's legs. It wasn't a very effective glare, considering the age of Jin Rong's cousin. A small trickle of red poured from his nose and he angrily wiped at it for the nth time.

"Oh?" Their teacher didn't seem impressed by her answer, "I didn't know idiocy caused spontaneous bleeding from the nose."

Liu Xin shrugged again, " I think it's a new symptom, laoshi. You should keep on the lookout."

This got her a disapproving sigh and a shake of the head, before she was told she should do extra training as punishment.

Liu Xin smirked inwardly. She sincerely hoped the extra training would make her strong enough to break that nose, the next time she punched that idiot.

Jin Chang had joined Liu Xin and Jin Rong at Koi Tower about a year ago. He wasn't strong and he wasn't smart in the slightest.

Liu Xin could somewhat understand Jin Chang's admiration for his older cousin. Younger children tended to adore the older ones, that was normal even in her first life.

Jin Chang however was a terribly spoiled and consequently selfish child with a temperament. When he had first arrived, Liu Xin had been visiting her family at the Shen Sect with her mother, like she did sometimes, so Jin Chang had had all of Jin Rong's attention to himself.

When she had returned however, that changed. Jin Rong really liked Liu Xin. She treated him like an older sister would, since he could think.

His attention was pulled to her and Jin Chang felt he was treated unfairly, so he did the only thing he knew: throw a tantrum.

He made it his job to annoy her whenever they were in the vicinity of each other, which happened more often than she would have liked. Since she was the oldest of the three, the adults expected her to be mature, watch the other two and play with them.

She hated it.

Needless to say, when Jin Chang had decided to disturb her training and meditation by being loud and throwing little things at her, she had snapped and punched him in the face as hard as she could. Her fist hurt from the punch too, but she didn't let it show at all as she had watched him fall on his ass, before wailing and running off to tell on her.

As she returned to the lotus position, she scoffed. That coward had his own beginner training. Where did he get all this time to annoy her? No wonder he wasn't progressing at all.

At first she had pitied him. He had been all alone at Koi Tower, his mother and father being a part of a small clan. But her empathy for the boy had run out.

The sound of someone plopping themselves down next to her brought her out of her musings and she opened one eye.

Her father had sat down, his eyes closed as if meditating but she knew he was just waiting for her to talk.

She groaned, "'Violence is not the answer. Always think before acting.' I know, but he is an absolute idiot. And no one shows him there are consequences to his actions. He should be thankful to this senior sister. I'm teaching him a valuable life lesson."

He chuckled. "How come sometimes you are so mature and other times you act like all the other children."

Liu Xin sighed.

"But that little... incident was not the reason for my coming. I wanted to tell you that your mother and I have talked about your request. We think you are mature enough, so we will allow you to visit the city on your own."

Liu Xin's head whipped around, "Really?!"

"But we have the condition that you must always stay in the districts near the sect grounds. You also have to wear this."

He pulled a necklace with a small stone on it from his sleeve.

"It allows us to locate you in case of emergencies of any kind."

Liu Xin carefully received the gift, a smile stretching across her face. After observing the trinket, she put it on, assuring that it was secured around her neck.

"Thank you A-die. This means a lot to me."

Liu Lijun simply watched his daughter with a small smile.

Liu Xin promised herself to visit the city the next day. She would have loved to go immediately, but it was already late in the afternoon and she still had that extra training to finish.

So the next day it was. She was gonna explore the city, its food and music. Especially the music. She yearned for a free environment where she could spread smiles with her dance and the erhu she had gotten for her last birthday, after lots of begging.

That day would be the 'birth' of the 'little Fairy of Lanling', as locals would call her. Always a smile on her lips, a swing in her steps and music following wherever she went.

Author Note:

Oh dear. I had absolutely no motivation nor inspiration today, so this small chapter might be a bit shit.

Any opinions or criticism is always welcome and even encouraged.

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