Chapter 2

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The next day Liu Xin and her mother departed from the Shen Sect to return home. Liu Xin had absolutely no idea where that 'home' was but she was keen to find out.

She had come to the conclusion of watching everything around her, that this world was basically a cultivation novel from her past life. Her niece had loved cultivation novels and had been very excited to share her passion with her aunt, who, despite being very busy a lot of the time, cherished all the time they spent together. Liu Xin had listened to hours of rambling about a novel called Mo Dao Zu Shi. She had never gotten a full grasp of the story, but she enjoyed the happiness it brought to her niece's face and how the community around the novel encouraged her to let her imagination run wild and write her own little stories set in similar worlds. Her niece had also told her about the concept of isekai or transmigration and that it was a popular premise for fanfiction. Liu Xin would have never thought that she would end up experiencing reincarnation herself.

The thought of her niece caused her breath to hitch and a tear to roll down her cheek.

"Don't cry, A-Xin. We will see them again. But for now we need to go home and show your ba ba what a beautiful girl you are. And you also have to meet your aunt A-Qin. They will be so happy to finally meet you."

Liu Xin's mother was a very observant woman, so she instantly noticed the small wet spot on her daughter's cheek. She had however no idea of the real reason her daughter could be crying.

The carriage ride was very boring. Liu Xin didn't know how long their journey would be, but she knew it would feel way longer. Her mother's embrace was warm and comfortable, her robes a soft gradient of white to yellow. The only person joining them inside the carriage was her mother's personal maid. Whenever her mother got tired, Liu Xin would be passed over into the maid's arms. It was overall quite dull.

A few days later, they finally arrived 'home'. Liu Xin couldn't believe her little eyes. Before them, a big flight of stairs led towards a large palace sitting above the rest of the city. A vast ocean of beautiful white flowers gently bowed with the flow of the wind and many luxurious carvings and reliefs decorated the path. She could just barely make out some figures standing at the top, probably guarding the entrance of the massive building.

A small group of servants greeted them, some male servants immediately attended to the carriage and the luggage, while the female servants escorted Liu Xin and her mother up the stairs, past the gate and into a big hall. The whole walk, Liu Xin watched her mother from the arms of the maid. At multiple stages of the climb, she thought she saw the woman roll her eyes at the steps or curse under her breath. Liu Xin had gathered that her mother was a physically frail woman, so it was no surprise that she struggled with the stairs. But what she lacked physically she made up for with her strong and proud spirit.

In the hall, the servants made themselves scarce after making sure they had fulfilled their duty. Liu Xin was so busy marveling at her luxurious surroundings that she didn't notice the woman hurrying towards them and embracing her mother in a hug.

"A-Juan, I am so happy you are back. Why were you away for that long? I heard of the incident on your journey. Are you alright? How are you feeling?"

"Greetings, Madam Jin. I am quite well after resting in the Shen Sect. This one thanks you for your concern," Liu Xin's mother, Liu Juan, said. The grin plastered on her face didn't match at all with her formal greeting.

"Oh cut it out, A-Juan. You were never one for formalities, especially not with me," Madam Jin gave her friend a light slap on the arm, "Why do you look so tired, if you claim to be well, huh?"

"Well, first of all, I gave birth a little over a month ago and both the journey back and forth are not the most pleasant pastimes. And secondly, I still cannot get over the many steps leading to the road. Are they really necessary?"

Madam Jin chuckled and shrugged, "Necessary or not, they have been there for some generations now and that's probably not going to change anytime soon."

Then she turned to Liu Xin, who had taken an interest in watching the two women conversate so comfortably with each other. Madam Jin wore elegant flowing golden robes, golden hair ornaments holding up a very elaborate looking hairstyle. The name 'Jin' seemed familiar to Liu Xin but she couldn't quite place it yet.

"And who is this little flower?" Madam Jin bent down a bit to get a closer look, giving a tiny wave to the baby. Liu Xin was in awe of the deep dark eyes of the woman before her. She looked kind and understanding but also fierce and strong.

"Allow me to introduce my daughter Liu Xin to you," Liu Juan looked very proud introducing her daughter to her friend. All fatigue seemed to just disappear from her form.

Faced with these two women, Liu Xin couldn't help but give a bright baby laugh.

"A-Qin," Liu Juan turned around, looking for something, " Say, where is your husband?"

Immediately, the smile on Madam Jin's face froze. "Honestly, I don't want to know where he is. The farther he is from me the better."

Liu Juan lay a comforting hand onto her friend's shoulder, sighing, "Still the same old pig, huh?"

Jin Liqin shook her head, "I have given up hope, he'll ever change. But I am well aware I need to consummate my marriage. I just hope that is enough to bear him an heir."

The atmosphere had become heavy and tense, so Liu Xin decided she would do something about it.

She started babbling and her chubby hands reached for the women. The heaviness lifted from Jin Liqin's expression and she let her finger be grabbed.

"Let's go drink some tea in my pavilion. Your husband is still teaching the disciples. It'll be a while until he'll be available to welcome his family home."

Author Note:

English is not my first language so I would appreciate it if you pointed any errors out to me. I'll try to correct it as soon as possible.

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