Chapter 27

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Liu Xin gulped as she stared up at the massive gate in front of her. She had heard people describe the Unclean Realm as an intimidating place before but seeing it for herself was an entirely different experience. The gate stood big and solid in the middle of an impressive stone wall. In the center of it, the head of a beast stared back at her. It conveyed a different kind of wealth and luxury than Koi Tower. Its size and subtle but intricate designs exuded power and strength to anyone standing before it without showing off. With another deep breath, Liu Xin stepped closer and headed towards one of the two disciples standing on guard on either side of the gate.

The closer she got, the more the disciple towered over her. He was tall and his shoulders were broad, reminding her of Nie Mingjue. Their sabers were strapped to their backs for anyone to see. His eyes followed her movements stoically and without any emotion shining through, once or twice flicking to Rushui which was strapped to her back like it hadn't been for a long time. Once close enough, Liu Xin saluted the Nie disciple.

"Greetings, my name is Liu Xin courtesy Xiaolin, former disciple of the Jin Sect. I seek an audience with Nie-zongzhu."

He returned her salute but his expression stayed the same. His eyes looked her up and down once more before whistling through his teeth. Another similarly built disciple came through the gate, which Liu Xin noticed was actually slightly open to let people through, and took the guards place. They didn't exchange any words or gestures. Liu Xin had to admit she was very impressed by their efficiency. She saluted the new guard as well, while the other headed inside the Unclean Realm, probably to inform Nie Mingjue of his visitor. Her mind drifted to Meng Yao as she waited.

On his end, Meng Yao was watching Liu Xin approach the place he had called home for quite some time. It was the place where he had achieved his first promotion, where he had a status and a position that meant something. And even though he knew that except for Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang no one treated him any differently, he had had at least some power. It was something he had never had before then or since he left them for another attempt at Koi Tower. This time he had had a recommendation from Nie Mingjue but the result had been the same as years before. This time, there had been no one to catch him before the end of the stairs. For a moment he felt doubt trying to take hold of his mind. Was he really about to betray Nie Mingjue's trust? The only person who ever saw something in him other than his origin?

Shocked that he even allowed himself this train of thought, Meng Yao shook his head. Nie Mingjue wasn't the only person and he certainly wasn't the first. The first person to ever see past his mother and to treat him like an equal was currently trying to save her family from loss. And even though she couldn't raise his standing in society like Nie Mingjue could, that wasn't her fault, it wasn't her choice. But she saw him as family. 'I am proud to be your friend and cousin.' Nie Mingjue had been his superior and he had been kind in his own way, but he wasn't family, he wasn't Liu Xiaolin.

When he focused on Liu Xin again, he just saw her disappearing through the gigantic gates, almost like she was swallowed by the beast the Nie Sect called their crest. He waited for another moment before hurrying past the facade and along the side of the Unclean Realm until he reached a relatively hidden servant entrance. There were only a few of these small and partly hidden doors and it was hard to find them if one didn't know the layout as well as Meng Yao did. Their purpose was to ensure the non cultivator staff of the Unclean Realm to flee the premises safely in case of an emergency. Other than that, they were barely ever used. Meng Yao used this knowledge to his advantage to slip unseen into the Unclean Realm. But now he had to be very careful. He knew it was pretty late which meant less bustle but it also meant he couldn't predict where he might run into people as easily. During the day there were clear routines, during the evening the routines dissolved into almost random errands that could change day by day. It was times like these when Meng Yao was thankful for his golden core. It may be small and he may not be suitable for combat but he still had better hearing and he could move extremely quietly. His robes were relatively plain, he noted, so he should look like any ordinary servant from far away. Should anyone try to stop him or look closer, they would notice he didn't belong here. Or they could even recognize him.

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