Chapter 11: Killed X For X Sport

Start from the beginning

The atmosphere became tense and grim as everyone peeled off a sticker. I got '199'. It was silent for a few seconds. Then the warden explained, "The number you see is your target."

Everyone gasped and covered their badges instantly.

"I won that one," I muttered.

The warden continued after his pause, "This box has recorded the number that each of you drew. Each card was tallied and then stored in memory. So if you like, your free to dispose of the cards. It makes no difference at this point. The objective is to steal your target's ID badge."

"Oh good, so we don't have to kill each other then," one of the three brothers spoke.

The warden smirked, "The method is up to you. Procure the badge however you see fit. But of you kill your target, you can take their badge easily."

"Yeah, that sure sounds like the fastest way to me," the brother in red said.

Why does he kinda sound... I don't know, like he has an accent. A bit southern. Maybe Texan? Wait, why Texan-

The shortest brother seemed a bit distraught at the concept of killing someone for a badge. The tallest brother teased him for it.

"Listen carefully," the warden said. Mother fucker, if you want us to listen then goddamit speak and stop pausing so much- "Collecting the ID badge of your specified target will earn you 3 points, understand? Your own badge is also worth 3 points. And all the other badges are worth 1 point. In order to move on to the final phase you will need to collect 6 points. So during your time there on Zevil Island, gather enough badges to collect six points or fail the exam. Only those who do will clear the fourth phase of the hunter exam.

Then we all hopped on a boat and made our way to Zevil Island. There was a nice enough attendant lady on the boat. Although, no one seemed very fond of her. Maybe it was her voice.

"I'd like to commend all of you on your work in the exam's third phase," she said brightly. This girl could rival Gon. She began again, "I'll be your guide. It's nice to meet you! You can call me Khara. It will take two hours for this boat to reach it's destination, Zevil Island. All twenty-four applicants who made it this far are granted an open invitation to participate again next year's exam no matter what! So even if you don't pass this time, we really hope you'll try again!! Never say die, right?.. Everybody?... All right everyone! For the next two hours, you're all free to do whatever you like! Thank you! And I hope you all enjoy the rest of the voyage!" Her speach died down, she excused herself, and then left.

Honestly, you did really great Khara. Like, I could never, I'd probably end up cursing someone out.

The boat ride was uneventful. At least, the first few seconds were. Then Killua showed up.

"Am I your target?" he asked nonchalantly. He was so carefree.

"No," I replied, holding up my card with the number '197' on it, "Am I your target?"

Killua sat down next to me. "Nope," he showed me his card. '199'.

Maybe our targets are together because of the close number. Now where it's a free for all, even if they weren't already together, they should be now. It's better to stick with someone and team up.

"What are you thinking about?" Killua asked.

I explained, "Maybe our targets are together because their numbers are close, and if not they most likely teamed up. We could try and find them together if you want."

He shrugged and put away his card. "Sure, why not? At least I'll be with someone I know."

"We hardly know each other," I realized. Despite having spent more or less a week with Killua, with the gang, we've had very few interactions together, just one on one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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