Chapter 11: Killed X For X Sport

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We all eagerly stood outside and waited for instructions

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We all eagerly stood outside and waited for instructions. I was just enjoying the outside. I think this may have been the first time since the exam started that it's been a nice day out.

The boat ride was a mess and the whole running part of the exam was a gloomy day. After that it was sunny, sure, but it was chilly. It's warmer here, the sun feels nice against my face.

"Geez, you're like a flower," Killua said from behind me, arms crossed behind his head.

"How am I a flower?" I asked.

"You thrive in the sun," he said nonchalantly, "photosynthesis and stuff."

"He's right, you're glowing," Kurapika said. Not in a complimenting way but not in a 'matter of fact' way either.

"Well now that's just the sun," I stated, pointing up at the sky. I saw Killua sweatdrop out of the corner of my eye.

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower everyone!" The intercom person, who I now know is the warden, spoke up, "All that remain now are the fourth phase and the final phase. The fourth phase will take place.. right over there on Zevil Island. Now, let's proceed."

He snapped his fingers. A man that seemed suspiciously like that one butler kinda guy from the Addams Family Values but not like him at the same time rolled out a little cart.

"To begin, I will need each of you to draw lots now," the warden stated. The crowd murmured, confused. Someone asked what the lots will decide and the warden answered, "Who you hunt and who hunts you. In this box are exactly twenty-four numbered cards, which means that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge.."

We're hunting + picking each other's number cards = we're hunting each other.

My hands flew to my badge, yanked it off, and shoved it down my pocket

Killua snickered, "I have never seen someone take something off so quickly."

"I have never taken something off so quickly," I said back, making him laugh a bit.

"Now," the warden spoke, "each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. All right, which of you was first?"

Hisoka stepped up to the little cart. He brandished a large cut on his shoulder. He barely seemed phased by it.

Oh wait, this is the first time I've seen Hisoka in a while.

Hioka slowly pulled out a card. He flipped it over, looked at it, and walked back to the group very quickly. A man in green wearing pins all over and shaking his head involuntarily was next. Everyone followed after.

I was after Kurapika. Killua followed, then Gon, then a few other people. Finally everyone was done drawing cards.

"Has everyone drawn?" asked the warden, but he didn't wait long, "very well. Now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2023 ⏰

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