Not A Chapter, but an Update

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Hi, it's been a while.

For any of you new, hello and welcome.

For those of you who have been here, I missed you all.

Because some of you who read this fic and do not follow me, I have a present for all of you.

This fic is getting a rewrite.

Why? I reread this entire fic. Things didn't sound right to me> I was not too fond of some parts and how they were written and I liked some of the constructive criticism you all left. I also didn't want to abandon it, I had promised I wouldn't, so I decided a rewrite was the best option.

When? New Year's, give or take a day either way. You might get the new chapters sometime on New Year's, December 31st, or the next day, January 1st. It all depends on whether I'll have service on those days as I'm going on a trip and still want to write.

What to expect? The original fic completely missed some of the exam arc and I'm writing that in. Because of this, I may only get to write close to where I left off in the original fic. I believe that was around chapter 40. I'm not too sure and that's a bit sad for me. There may be a few fewer chapters because of my poor motivation to write. I swear I want to, I just can't bring myself to sit up and write sometimes. Expect a change in Y/N as I did not like how they were written before. It won't be a bad change, I'm getting second opinions for it and they seem to be okay, so don't worry about that. 

What about the original? I want you all to decide. Would you like me to delete all of the chapters or save them away on a google document for safekeeping? I don't think you'll be seeing it again on Wattpad but I don't think I should delete it. Let me know what you guys think is best.

Questions? Seriously, if any of you have any questions I will try to answer as best as I can whenever I have free time.

Questions for you. I like to write things other people will enjoy. Follow me, on my conversation board thing I will often ask questions about things in the fanfic. Would you rather have this or that reaction to a vague scenario? What color do the majority of you like? That kind of stuff. It helps make a story everyone will like better.

I think that's everything. Please please please leave constructive criticism. Comment on things you like, things you would change, and how, that kind of stuff. I love hearing what others think and their theories. 

I've taken up enough of everyone's time. I hope you're all somewhat excited.

I love you all very much, I always have even if we are just internet strangers. 

Take care! Follow me for more on the rewrite!

Killua x Steven Universe Sister! Reader ~ My Beautiful Gem (REWRITE IN PROCESS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant