Chapter 6: Precious X Delicacies

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"You're going to be a human being. That's my favorite part. A human being. A human is an action."

A human is something so simple yet so complicated.

Someone who gets to decide who they are.

That's precious.

"There they are!" a familiar voice shouted

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"There they are!" a familiar voice shouted. Gon.

Gon and Kurapika had finally made it and were running in my direction. Leorio groaned next to me.

"Man that stinks," Leorio groaned as Gon set down his suitcase, "How the hell did I get beat up so badly? My memory's so hazy, I can't remember."

Kurapika and Gon whispered to each other.

"That's what you get. Do stupid shit, get hit." I said. Leorio groaned in response.

"Gon! I was startin' to think you weren't gonna make it here. Or that you didn't make it at all." Killua spoke.

"I just followed the trail of Leorio's cologne," Gon explained.

"You tracked his scent? That's how? Man Gon, you really are weird, aren't you."

"Excellent work, everyone," Satotz yelled, "the second phase will take place here in the Visca Forest Park, so I shall now take my leave. I wish you all the very best of luck." Satotz then turned and very animatedly walked away and into the forest.

A rumble behind us all caught our attention. The gate that was previously closed opened and revealed a big fancy house-like building. Two people sat at the entrance, a woman with green hair in a unique style and one taller, more round guy.

"Will all of the applicants who passed the first phase, please enter." The woman said, "Welcome all. I'm Menchi, your examiner for the second phase."

"And likewise, I'm Buhara," the man behind her said.

Everyone stepped forward and gathered in a group around them. It was quiet for a few seconds, then we heard a grumble. People began to question what that was.

"Sounds to me like you're getting hungry," Menchi turned and said to Buhara.

"I'm not just hungry, I'm famished," Buhara explained, a pained look on his face.

"Well, there you have it, the second phase..." Menchi stated, standing up and pausing for dramatic effect, "...will be cooking."

The smaller crowd began to protest. They all became angry. "What do you mean we're cooking? We all came to take the hunter exam!" One man yelled.

"That's right, the second phase of the exam will be preparing a meal that'll satisfy our palettes." Menchi elaborated.

"Why do we have to cook?" another complained.

"Don't you know? It's simple really," Menchi began, "Because we're Gourmet Hunters."

Everyone began to laugh at them. "So, you're both Gourmet Hunters, and what exactly do you want us to make?" The first person who protested said, who I now realized was Todo the wrestler.

Killua x Steven Universe Sister! Reader ~ My Beautiful Gem (REWRITE IN PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now