Chapter 10: The X Final X Stretch

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If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs.

Wow, that's really smart Greg! Did you come up with that all on your own?

Sure did, Rose.



The time we spent in the room passed by agonizingly slowly. Kurapika spent it reading the books he found on the bookshelf. Killua and Gon spent that time hanging out with each other. Tonpa and Leorio spent it bickering every once in a while, and after being told off for it, just gave each other dirty glances.

I spent it trying to sleep. It was harder than normal. You'd think that after nearly dying you'd be exhausted enough to just pass out. It doesn't work that way. That experience gave me so much anxiety I couldn't sleep.

When we had around 16 hours left, Kurapika spoke to me. "Hey," he said, trying to grab my attention, "I'm sorry."

"What for?" I asked.

"For not believing you when you said Tonpa was just trying to provoke Leorio."

"It happens. We just met each other a few days ago, I don't expect you to trust me blindly. Besides," I sat up, "we're best friends now aren't we? It doesn't matter much anymore, no harm done."

"That mindset is going to lead to problems later," Kurapika mumbled, exasperated.

"Hey!" Killua yelled from across the room, "why is Kurapika the only one you treat nicely, huh? Playing favorites?"

"Why are you asking?" I asked, "You want some love too? Alright then, come bring it in, homie-"

"Gross! Forget I said anything!" Killua yelled, his face tinged pink.

"I'll give you a hug!" Gon yelled.

Gon came over and hugged me. It was nice. "See," I told Killua, "Gon is a true friend."

Not much happened after that. Once an hour was left, everyone got ready to leave the room. As soon as the door to the room that was holding us opened, Gon was the first to rush out. We all had to run after him.

Once we left the room, we kept walking for a long time. We rode a minecart we got to that had a broken rail. We ran across a path with falling tiles. And a giant metal ball rolled after us in a hallway so we had to run.

After all of that, we continued walking and finally came across something.

"We're supposed to vote on whether to open the door?" Leorio asked, a bit out of breath from running. "We need to move on so the choice is pretty clear."

All the guys pressed their wristwatches and the votes showed up. 'O4' 'X1'.

Here we go again.

Leorio picked Tonpa up by the collar, "I've had enough of your crap."

"What are you talking about, I pressed O too," Tonpa said, sounding genuine for fucking once.

Leorio growled and let him go. Then he turned to me. "What did you press?" Leorio demanded from me.

"Are you serious!?" I asked, "I don't even have a fucking wristwatch, it couldn't have been me. Get over yourself, man."

"Sorry Leorio," Gon mumbled, looking sad, "I accidentally pressed the wrong button."

Everything was quiet for a second. Then I scolded, "Oh great, you've made Gon sad! Are you happy now!? Come on Gon, stay away from the perverted old man."

"Hey!" Leorio yelled, but we were already walking through the door.

They thankfully decided to drop it and we continued on. The room behind the door had two more doors marked by an X and an O. A mermaid bust was hanging between both doors above eye level.

Killua x Steven Universe Sister! Reader ~ My Beautiful Gem (REWRITE IN PROCESS)Where stories live. Discover now