Chapter 3: New X People X Discomfort

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"I know you do. Please, please understand if we lose, we'll be killed, and if we win, we can never go home."

Where is home?

"This is how I die," I stated

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"This is how I die," I stated.

The busy marketplace of Zaban City was packed. There was barely any room for even a one-foot personal space bubble. The heat of the city because of all the people so close together, the loudness of it all. Death would be merciful.

"Aw, don't say that!" Gon exclaimed, hooking our arms together by the elbows, "Look at this place! Doesn't it just make you wanna cry?"

"Yes." I agreed without agreeing.

A few steps ahead of us were Leorio and Kurapika following the son of the kirikos who brought us here. The son said, "A navigator's main job is to identify worthy applicants for the hunter exam. We're also responsible for guiding them to the exam site. You see, that's because it's almost impossible to find the location without a navigator."

All around us, vendors yelled louder to advertise their goods at their stalls. One selling food, one selling jewels. The one selling jewels had a vast arrangement of crystals and gems at her stall. All of them deeply disturbed me for some odd reason.

The back of my mind whispered the harsh sounds similar to breaking glass and distant, muffled screaming. I felt a strong headache come on.

"What do you two think you're doing?" Leorio called, slinging his suitcase over one shoulder, "Let's go!"

Only then did I realize Gon had dragged us both off to look at the stalls. I don't think he noticed though, even if our arms were linked together.

"We're going," I called, tugging Gon along with me as he pouted. He followed along easily nonetheless.

After a bit more walking and more dread, we came across an intersection. The man stopped us and took out a piece of paper. "Here we are. I'm pretty sure that's the building," he said, still looking down at the piece of paper in his hands.

The three guys stared straight ahead at the elegant-looking skyscraper. What caught my attention though, was the building next to it. A restaurant that looked a mix between overgrown and rundown as well as family-run.

My money's on that one.

The three continued to marvel at the skyscraper and mumble. I nudged the guide as I watched them. He looked up at me and then at them and chuckled. "Hey guys," he waved, "over here! This is it."

Kurapika, Leorio, and Gon all looked at the restaurant and looked confused.

"Come on, you're messing with us, right? This looks like a regular restaurant. You're telling me that other applicants from all over the globe come to this old dime to take the exam? " Leorio stated.

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