Chapter 1

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I hurriedly finished getting ready and descended the stairs, greeted by the chaotic sight of my dad attempting to make pancakes. Baking powder was strewn about haphazardly, evidence of his valiant but often disastrous attempts at cooking. Despite his earnest efforts, he was far from a culinary master, and the kitchen bore the brunt of his well-intentioned endeavors.

Dad's cooking mishaps were a constant reminder of Mom's absence. She passed away when I was just ten, leaving behind fragmented memories of our time together in Egypt, where I was born. After her death, I moved in with Dad, trading the familiarity of my childhood home for the unpredictable whirlwind of his lifestyle.

Dad's job, shrouded in secrecy, kept him on the move, rendering our time together scarce and fleeting. His perpetual wanderlust mirrored Mom's, and I couldn't help but wonder if their shared restlessness had driven them apart. Despite the challenges, I appreciated Dad's efforts to fill the void left by Mom's absence, even if his culinary skills left much to be desired.

"Would you like some pancakes, honey?" Dad's voice broke through my thoughts, offering a plate of misshapen pancakes with a hopeful smile.

"I can't," I declined politely. "The bus will be here any minute, and I wouldn't want to keep them waiting. Just put them in the freezer; I'll eat them when I get back." The excuse came easily, though the truth was, I had no intention of consuming Dad's culinary creations. The sight of burnt pancakes and batter-covered countertops was enough to dissuade even the most adventurous eater.

With a sense of relief, I made my escape, bidding Dad a hasty goodbye as I rushed out the door to catch the bus. The familiar routine of the morning commute provided a brief respite from the chaos of home, and I found solace in the rhythmic rumble of the bus as it carried me towards school.

Arriving at school, I was greeted by the sight of my best friend, Rose, waiting for me beneath the shade of our designated meeting spot—the tree of love. Rose had been my steadfast companion for the past two years, a welcome source of stability in an otherwise tumultuous world.

"Hey, girl, how are you doing?" Rose enveloped me in a tight hug, her warmth a stark contrast to the chilly morning air.

"I'm great, but I'm starving," I laughed, returning her embrace.

"Did your dad attempt breakfast again?" Rose raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Yeah, and it was a disaster," I admitted, shaking my head. "But let's save the details for later. Right now, I need food—fast."

With a shared grin, we headed towards the cafeteria, eager to sate our hunger before the day's lessons began.

The rest of the morning passed in a blur of classes and assignments, culminating in the culmination of my final test—an achievement worthy of celebration. As the bell signaled the start of gym class, I found myself approached by a familiar figure.

"Hi, Cassandra, right?" The boy's voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I found myself face to face with Kgosi—the object of my long-standing crush.

Instead of responding with grace and composure, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Oh my gosh, you know my name!" The words tumbled out before I could stop them, drawing the attention of the entire room.

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks as Kgosi chuckled, unfazed by my outburst. "Sorry, uh, yeah, I am," I stammered, attempting to recover from my mortifying slip-up.

"I was wondering..." Kgosi hesitated, his words hanging in the air. "I was wondering if you would like to go to the Snowball with me?"

My heart skipped a beat at his invitation, and for a moment, I was rendered speechless. Thankfully, Rose came to my rescue, delivering a well-timed thump to my back that jolted me back to reality.

"Yeah, I would love to go to the Snowball with you," I managed to say, my cheeks flushing crimson as Kgosi smiled and walked away.

With a flutter of excitement in my chest, I contemplated the upcoming dance. It was a chance to celebrate and make memories, and for the first time in a long while, I allowed myself to dare to hope for something more.

Little did I know, the events of the day were about to set into motion a chain of events that would forever alter the course of my life.

Cassandra The African Girl (COMPLETE) (EDITED)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora