Chapter 20

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As Conrad arrived from his friend's house, we wasted no time in filling him in on the unfolding drama. His immediate reaction mirrored my own shock and dismay. "How could you snitch on your brother?" he demanded, his tone edged with reproach.

Lin's response was defensive, her frustration palpable. "Give me a break!" she shot back, her voice rising in agitation.

"Hey guys, let's just calm down and wait to see what happens," I interjected, attempting to diffuse the tension that crackled in the air. Despite my attempt at reassurance, anxiety coiled in my stomach like a tight knot. The uncertainty of the situation gnawed at me, leaving me on edge.

Hours ticked by with agonizing slowness as we waited for any sign of Emily and Steve's return. The atmosphere in the house was charged with anticipation, each passing minute stretching into eternity. When the main door finally swung open, our hearts leaped into our throats in anticipation.

To our surprise, it wasn't Emily or Steve who emerged, but Lucas. Lin wasted no time in bombarding him with questions, her anxiety evident in the urgency of her tone. But Lucas appeared just as clueless as we were, his confusion mirroring our own.

As Lin struggled to articulate the situation to Lucas, I stepped in with a quick save, fabricating a plausible excuse to mask our concern. I hoped my words didn't betray the underlying panic that churned within me, but Lucas's skeptical gaze made me second-guess myself.

Heading upstairs with Lin in tow, I attempted to deflect her mounting anger and frustration. "We were just wondering when they'll be back," I improvised, hoping to ease the tension with a flimsy excuse. Lin's compliance was reluctant, but she followed my lead, allowing me to guide her away from the impending confrontation.

In Lin's room, the floodgates of her frustration burst open, her fury directed at the unsettling uncertainty of the situation. "What the frick is happening?" she demanded, her fingers flying across her phone as she fired off messages to Emily. Her resolve hardened with each passing moment, her threat to divulge everything to our dad looming like a shadow over our heads.

As if on cue, Emily and Steve finally returned, their arrival signaling a brief reprieve from the mounting tension. Emily wasted no time in whisking Steve away for a private conversation with Lucas, leaving Lin and me to exchange worried glances.

The sound of Lucas's voice raised in anger echoed through the house, punctuated by the forceful thud of his foot against Steve's locked bedroom door. Emily's attempts to diffuse the situation fell on deaf ears as Lucas's frustration reached a boiling point.

With a heavy heart, Lin made her way to Steve's door, her voice trembling as she called out to him in a desperate attempt to break through his emotional barricade. When her efforts proved fruitless, I racked my brain for a solution, my mind settling on the only viable option: Steve's bedroom window.

In a daring move, I slipped out of Lin's window, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins as I navigated the precarious climb to Steve's room. The vertigo-inducing height threatened to overwhelm me, but I pushed through the fear, driven by my determination to reach Steve.

As I slid open the window and stepped inside, the sight that greeted me tore at my heartstrings. Steve sat hunched against the door, his anguish evident in every trembling breath. Without hesitation, I approached him, my heart aching with empathy as I offered him the comfort of my presence.

In that moment, our shared grief transcended words, the weight of our emotions hanging heavy in the air. Steve's tear-streaked face bore the raw anguish of his inner turmoil, his vulnerability a stark reminder of the fragility of human resilience.

"Steve," I murmured softly, the sound of my voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room.

Slowly, he lifted his head, his bloodshot eyes meeting mine in silent acknowledgment. In that fleeting moment of connection, I saw the depth of his pain mirrored in my own reflection.

"Hi," I managed, the simplicity of the word belied by the complexity of our emotions.

His response was a bittersweet smile, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness of despair. "Hey," he whispered, his voice thick with unshed tears.

As we sat in silence, the weight of our shared grief hung heavy in the air. With each passing moment, the bond between us strengthened, a silent testament to the healing power of human connection.

"What's going on, Steve?" I finally broke the silence, my voice tinged with concern.

In a halting voice, he began to unravel the tangled web of his emotions, his words a poignant confession of his deepest fears and desires. With each revelation, the walls of his emotional fortress crumbled, revealing the vulnerable heart that lay hidden beneath.

His confession was a revelation, a testament to the courage it took to confront his inner demons. In that moment, I realized that true strength lay not in the absence of fear, but in the courage to face it head-on.

"I want to play games," he declared, his eyes alight with newfound purpose. "It's my passion, and I can't just give it up because my parents want me to follow in their footsteps."

His words struck a chord within me, a poignant reminder of the importance of pursuing one's dreams in the face of adversity. In that moment, I knew that I would do whatever it took to support him on his journey to self-discovery.

"Did you tell your parents about your decision?" I asked, my voice tinged with hope.

His response was a bitter laugh, a stark reminder of the obstacles that lay ahead. "They wouldn't listen, even if I did," he confessed, his voice heavy with resignation.

But beneath the weight of his despair, I sensed a glimmer of hope, a flicker of determination that refused to be extinguished. In that moment, I knew that Steve possessed the strength to forge his own path, regardless of the obstacles that stood in his way.

"Talk to them," I urged, my voice tinged with urgency. "Tell them what you want to be, and don't let anyone stand in the way of your dreams."

As he nodded in silent agreement, I felt a surge of hope wash over me, a renewed sense of purpose that transcended the boundaries of our shared grief. In that moment, I knew that Steve possessed the resilience to overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.

With a renewed sense of determination, I made my way to the door, my heart heavy with the weight of our shared burden. As I opened the door to let Lin in, I knew that together, we would weather the storm that lay ahead, our bond unbreakable in the face of adversity.

As Lin burst into the room, her eyes wide with concern, I felt a surge of gratitude wash over me, a silent acknowledgment of the strength of our shared connection. In that moment, I knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, we would face them together, united in our determination to support one another through thick and thin.

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