Chapter 16

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After school as I was about to get into Conrad's car, Lin grabbed my hand and stopped me. "What do you think you are doing?" she asked angrily.

"I am going to watch a movie with Conrad," I said.

"Not you are not, you are getting into my car and we are going home."

"Unless you are so dumb that your brain couldn't understand what I just said or you are deaf and you didn't hear what I said. I am going with Conrad."

I talked back to Lin and it felt so good! "Okay, okay look, Cass I am sorry for being rude but just please go get into my car and let's go." She sounded so desperate, but I had a date to go to and I couldn't care less.

Upset and angry I shouted, "Lin go home, go home!"

She scoffed and then said, "Fine, just don't come crying to me." I couldn't help but wonder what she meant by that. What was going to make me cry and why did she say that?

The movie was not quite what I expected. It was not romantic at all. We watched Fast and Furious. We didn't even hold hands, I was thinking I should have just gone home with Lin. She must have been so pissed.

"So how was the movie?" Conrad asked. (The only thing that was great about the movie was the popcorn and the sodas)

"It was great," I lied.

"Wanna go watch zombie wars tomorrow?" He asked.

"I can't I've got a thing with a thing at the thing." He then made a what? face expression and I laughed out "I've got so many things."

When we got home everyone was having supper in the dining room so we greeted. "What have you two been up to?" Emily asked.

"We went to watch a movie," I answered. Dad was silently looking at me like I had just committed a felony by going out with a boy.

"Without Lin?" He finally spoke. I knew where he was going with this, he was trying to take me back to last night's talk. I gave him a really? face emoji and he raised his left eyebrow.

"She didn't wanna come," Conrad answered.

"Where is she anyway?" I asked.

"She said she wasn't hungry," Emily said.

"What movie did you watch? I hope it was not an adult-rated movie. No vulgar language, no nudity—

"Oh my God, dad!" I cut him off.

"Sorry just asking," he shrugged.

"Well, we're having supper, wanna join us?" Lucas offered.

I was a little hungry but looking at the dining table there were only adults. It was just dad, Emily, and Lucas. It would be very weird to sit down and eat. I looked at Conrad and he looked at me. He raised his eyebrows as if asking a question and I shook my head a little to signal him a no.

"We are good," Conrad said.

"Yeah we ate on the way back," I added and we both went upstairs.

He stopped by his door and looked at me and I looked at him. I didn't know what to do, did I smile? say good night? wave? run to him and kiss him?

"Thanks for the movie," the words finally found my mouth.

"You are welcome," he smiled revealing his dimple. I felt like I was going to throw up, in a good way. He was still standing there, maybe he was waiting for me to get into the room first. But I had to admit I was scared of what Lin would do to me if I went in.

I opened the door slowly and as quietly as possible hoping Lin didn't hear me coming and hopefully didn't throw something at me, like last time. The last time I shut Lin up I took a flying cabbage to the face. She spotted me but didn't even react. She was so calm and even said "hi" so it was a trick or trap, Lin never says "hi" to me, and why would she say "hi" to me after everything I've said to her? Maybe I was just being paranoid, I thought, so I decided to play along and continued talking.

Cassandra The African Girl (COMPLETE) (EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now