Chapter 18

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The next morning at school, a heavy silence enveloped the classroom as students feverishly flipped through their textbooks, hastily cramming for a surprise Biology quiz sprung upon us with only a fleeting five-minute warning. The tension in the air was palpable, with the weight of impending assessment bearing down on us all. Suddenly, a knock at the door shattered the concentration, drawing the collective attention of the class.

Principal Welch strode in, accompanied by a new face—a girl named Chloe Addams. His announcement of her arrival was met with scattered snickers, but his stern gaze swiftly silenced any hint of disrespect. "You may take a seat, Miss Addams," he instructed before exiting the room, leaving Chloe to navigate the sea of curious gazes and whispered murmurs.

Seizing the opportunity, Chloe settled into the vacant seat beside mine, effectively derailing our impending quiz—a serendipitous turn of events, to say the least.

"Hi," she greeted, her eyes meeting mine with a mixture of apprehension and eagerness. I couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for her nerves, and I flashed her a reassuring smile in response.

"Hey, what's up?" I replied, hoping to put her at ease despite my own internal butterflies.

"I... uh..." Chloe's words faltered, her breath coming in quick, shallow bursts as she nervously fidgeted with her hands.

Returning her smile, I offered a gentle prompt, "I'm Cassandra, but you can call me Cass. And don't worry, we're all a little nervous on the first day."

A wave of relief washed over Chloe's features as she chuckled softly, "Thanks, Cass. I'm Chloe, and, uh, yeah... definitely nervous."

"Shh!" Lin's sharp interjection broke the moment, reminding us of the classroom decorum amidst our fledgling conversation. It seemed jealousy had already reared its head, evident in Lin's pointed interruption.

Undeterred, Chloe and I continued our exchange, and as she shared tidbits about her life—her bustling household with eight siblings, her parents' professions as surgeons, the distant friends who failed to bid her farewell upon her departure, and the bittersweet memory of her long-distance relationship—I found myself drawn to her openness and vulnerability.

As the day progressed, Lin extended an invitation to lunch with her friends, a gesture I was eager to accept. However, mindful of Chloe's status as the new girl, I hesitated, offering her a place at the table as well. Lin's agreement was swift, and soon the three of us found ourselves navigating the bustling corridors of the school together.

Lin's friends proved less engaging than anticipated, their preoccupation with their phones leaving me eager to extract Chloe from the stifling atmosphere. Proposing a tour of the school, I led Chloe away, eager to explore and engage in conversation free from the distraction of glowing screens.

After an exhaustive exploration, we settled in a quiet corner, the weight of awkward silence hanging between us. Accustomed to the company of more effusive individuals like Rose, I found myself grasping for conversation starters, determined to fill the void with chatter.

"Tell me about your likes and dislikes," I prompted, rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

Chloe's response was measured yet sincere, her affinity for animals—particularly dogs—evident in her gentle demeanor. She professed a love for literature, citing novels as a cherished pastime. Her admission sparked a flicker of excitement within me, and I eagerly proclaimed my own devotion to books, albeit with a touch of theatrical flair that elicited a laugh from Chloe.

As we delved into shared interests and exchanged anecdotes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie blossoming between us—a tentative connection forged amidst the chaos of a new school day.

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