Chapter 23

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In the morning, we skipped breakfast and headed straight home. Collapsing onto the couch, I let out a contented sigh. There's something about being in someone else's house that makes me uneasy. Maybe it's because I don't know Chloe that well, or perhaps it's something else entirely, but that sleepover didn't quite live up to the Rossandra sleepovers Rose and I used to have. Those were the ones where we'd paint each other's nails, experiment with hairstyles, play games, and gossip about cute boys from school. We'd laugh too loudly, eat all the snacks, and get scolded by Rose's mom every few minutes. But last night, it was just a movie, some caramel-coated popcorn (my least favorite), a bit of chat about Conrad, and then sleep.

Lin has retreated to her room, likely already deep in slumber. Despite her earlier complaints of drowsiness during the ride home, she was the first one to doze off. Drama queen, indeed. Conrad sits beside me, prompting me to adopt a more poised posture.

"Hi?" he says, his tone uncertain. Did he read the text Chloe sent? It's possible. Is he going to bring it up? Probably. Oh, snap.

"Hi," I reply, flashing a sweet smile.

"Where were you?" he asks, his curiosity piqued. Was he looking for me? Did he enjoy my company?

"I went to a sleepover with Lin," I answer, realizing how long he's been waiting for an explanation.

"Oh, you've made friends?" he asks, sounding surprised.

"Well, just one. You know that girl Chloe?" I inquire.

"Wait, Chloe? The blonde one?" he queries.

"Yeah, you know her?"

"Yeah, I do."


"I was wondering why you messaged me instead of just coming to my room," he says, a smile playing on his lips.

Why would I go to his room in the middle of the night? Is that something he wants? "Oh, yeah, about that. I'm really sorry, I can't today. I've already made plans with a friend. I'm really sorry," I respond, disappointment tingeing my tone.

"It's okay. We'll try it some other time," he says apologetically, rising from the couch. Placing a soft kiss on my cheek, he smiles and exits the room.

Holy camoly! Conrad kissed my cheek. It's as good as kissing me, right? Just the thought sends butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Does he really like me? I need to search for what it means when a boy kisses you on the cheek. Rose would have been ecstatic if I told her. I'll just share the news with Chloe.

With a broad grin on my face, I message Chloe before heading up to Lin's room. Oh, someone's son certainly made my day. Lin is completely out, her head buried in the pillows, occupying the entire bed. She's a heavy sleeper, unlikely to stir even if you took her phone from her hand while she slept. I, on the other hand, would wake up at the slightest disturbance. Feeling a bit sleepy myself and with nothing else to do, I decide to take a short nap.

Three hours later, the harsh sunlight rouses me, and I groggily sit up. Rubbing my eyes, I notice Lin scrolling through my phone.

"What are you doing?" I inquire.

"So you really do like him," she remarks.

Annoyed, I snatch my phone back and demand, "Why are you going through my phone?"

"Because I wanted to know if you really like Conrad. Why do you even like him? What the hell is wrong with you?" she explodes.

Her words strike a nerve, and suddenly, everything becomes clear. "So, that's it?" I ask, struggling to keep my emotions in check. "That's why you befriended me – just to gather information? It was never about forming a genuine friendship or repairing our relationship. It was only about satisfying your curiosity," I accuse, tears welling up.

"Cass, it's not like that, I—" she begins, but I cut her off.

"No, that's exactly what it's like. You never truly wanted to be my friend; you just wanted to know if I liked Conrad. And yes, I do like him. So what's wrong with that?" I retort, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Cass, Conrad isn't a nice guy. Please, listen to me. He's going to hurt you," Lin pleads.

"No, there's nothing to listen to. You just don't want me to be with Conrad because you're jealous," I accuse, my anger mounting.

"Why would I be jealous of you?" Lin shoots back.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me why you never want to see me happy?" I challenge, my voice rising.

Lin's eyes widen in fury as she responds, "I'm not jealous of you. You know why? Because in a couple of months, it's my birthday, and I'm actually going to celebrate it with my mom."

Her words cut deep, hitting a tender spot in my heart. "Yeah, well, at least I know who my real dad is," I snap before storming out of the room and retreating to the bathroom.

As I stand there, Lin's words resonate within me, piercing deeper than before. My lower lip quivers, and tears threaten to spill. The reflection in the mirror transports me back to my ninth birthday, a time when Mom was still alive. She had spent the entire day decorating our home, showering me with affection and gifts. I remember waking up to seventeen kisses, her placing a crown on my head, and the joy of spending time with Dad over video call. It was the best birthday I'd ever had.

Curling up on the floor, I envelop myself in a ball, my tears flowing freely. I long for Mom's return, even if it's just for a moment or in a dream. I ache to see her face, to feel her warm touch, to hear her laughter. The desire for her presence, even if it defies the laws of nature, consumes me. Yet, despite my fervent prayers, she never appears in my dreams. It's a painful realization, one that leaves me feeling utterly alone.

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