Chapter 29

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Thirty minutes after I'd gotten ready, Will finally arrived. The effort I'd gone through suddenly felt excessive, though not entirely in vain. He took me to a place called STK Steakhouse, a venue I'd never heard of before, but it exuded an air of luxury. The table settings, decorations, staff, menu, and even the music all screamed opulence. It had to be expensive.

For starters, Will ordered Maple & Bourbon bacon with a side of apple cabbage slaw and pickled mustard seeds, which I found utterly revolting. For the main course, he graciously let me choose after my distaste for his previous selection, and I opted for the Big USA burger & fries. The portion was substantial, with an overwhelming amount of beef. Despite being too full for dessert, Will insisted we indulge, so we shared a warm chocolate chip cookie with vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce—a delightful treat, though I favored the burger and fries.

Finishing the last bite of my cookie, I couldn't help but voice my confusion, "What did you want to talk to me about? You know, you could have just called me. I mean, we're only pretending to be a couple and only need to be together when Bianca, Conrad, or Chloe are around. I don't understand why we had to come here. Not that I didn't enjoy it; the food was delicious, by the way. I appreciate it, but I'm just confused."

He cleared his throat before responding, "I had to tell you this in person. Well, I tried talking to Bianca, and she doesn't seem to want to get back together with me. In fact, she seems very happy with her boyfriend," he explained.

Wait, is he breaking up with me? This has to be it. I mean, Bianca doesn't want him anymore, so...

"So," he continued, seemingly reading my mind. "I've been doing a lot of thinking about Bianca and this whole fake dating stuff and where we stand, and I've decided that—"

Uh-oh, here it goes.

"I want to give us a chance," he said.

"What?" I asked, incredulous.

"Yeah, you seem very cool, sweet, and smart, and I want to make this thing we have a real and official relationship. I want you to be my girlfriend."




I was so confused.

"I'm too full to think straight right now. I'll tell you my answer tomorrow after school," I said.

I had no idea what my response would be or how I would say it. Why couldn't I think straight? I was consumed by shock and confusion. Just why and how?

"Okay, let me take you home."

"Alright," I said, getting up from my chair.

He left the money between the menus, and we headed home. He pulled up in front of the house, and I lingered in the warmth of his car. Not because I wanted to give him my answer right away or because I wanted to kiss him, but because it was cold outside and warm inside the car.

"So, you'll tell me your answer tomorrow?" he asked.

I'd just told him that. Aloud, I said, "Yeah."

"Please don't disappoint me," he said, leaning in for a kiss.

"I can't promise that," I replied, moving away. "But thanks for the clothes. I'll bring them to school tomorrow." I opened the door and slowly got out.

"Bye," he waved.

"Bye. Oh, and don't pick us up tomorrow. Lin will drive," I said before heading into the house. I didn't look back but could hear his car drive off.

Opening the main door, I found Dad in the living room. I really wished he was at his own house right now. He glanced at my face, then my clothes, and back at my face.

"Well, you look... sober," he said, mockingly.

"Hello to you too, Dad. And you know I look great. Tell me I look great," I replied, smiling at him.

He looked away and said, "You look great when you're not throwing up on me and not comparing me to Abraham Lincoln."

Ugh! Come on, it was a one-time thing. Are you really going to do this to me?

"Dad, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to get drunk and show up in someone else's clothes."

"I told you I'm not mad. I used to be way worse back in my day, but I'm still going to tease you for a very long time."

"Well, I've been living with that my whole life. A little more won't hurt."

"Hey, sweetheart," Emily said, coming in through the back door into the kitchen.

She's back already? What time is it? Oh, it's a quarter to eight. How? I guess time doesn't wait for anybody.

"Hello," I greeted with a smile.

"Were you on a date?" Lucas asked, wearing a cheeky smile.

Uh-oh, I knew exactly where this was going. If I said 'yes,' Dad would start his sex education talks with me, and it would be so awkward. To avoid answering, I just blushed and ran upstairs—but it wasn't as cute as I imagined. It didn't even look like the ones in animes. Anime reactions in real life were always disasters.

As I was about to enter Lin's room, Conrad called out to me. I turned around to face him, and he looked down with shame. He couldn't even meet my gaze.

"Hmm?" I answered.

Finally looking up at me, he said, "Woah, you look amazing."

Yeah, I know. "Thanks," I replied, maintaining a serious expression. I didn't even try to fake a smile. I didn't have the time to fake expressions, at least not for him.

"Do you mind if I talk to you?" he asked.

Why do I look like a blonde to you?

"Not now. I'm very tired. Maybe tomorrow after school."

"Okay, cool," he said, then looked into my eyes.

Oh my gosh, those eyes. No, no, no. I am not falling for them again. With that decided, I turned around and entered Lin's room.

I found her standing next to the wall with a cup in her hand and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Eavesdropping," she answered. "What the hell does that douchebag want to talk to you about?"

"I have no idea."

"Anyway, forget about him. How was your date?"

"Oh my god, I'm so-o full. Let me tell you all about it."


"Wait, William wants you to be his girlfriend?"



"Well it seems that Bianca doesn't want to get back together with him so he wants to turn this fake relationship into this real relationship."

"What! No! You are not his plan B, he can't just tell you he wants you after his ex refuses to get back together with him. You are not some material, you have feelings too okay and non of these boys have the right to treat you like that."

I don't know what to say so I just shrug. Lin is right, she is absolutely right but for some reason I just... I don't know what I can or should believe or do anymore. One thing is for sure, I cannot be used by these boys.

"Girls, food is ready!" Emily shouts from downstairs. She has probably cooked something delicious but I am sure if I have a bite I am going to explode. I can't even breath properly.

"Finally!" Lin breaths out. "You coming?" She asks standing by the door.

"Nah I'm good," I say laying on my back.

"Okay just remember what I told you, you are better than that."

I nod and she closes the door. 

Oh dear Lord!

Cassandra The African Girl (COMPLETE) (EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now