Chapter 15

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At school, I was taken aback by the surprisingly warm reception I received. It seemed like everywhere I went, people were pointing, smiling, and even waving at me. It was like I had unintentionally become the center of attention. Amidst the flurry of friendly faces, I found myself holding impromptu auditions for potential friends. It was an unexpected turn of events, but I decided to embrace it.

However, Bianca's reaction to my newfound popularity was anything but pleasant. Her smile quickly faded as she noticed the crowd gathering around me. Desperate to regain the spotlight, she resorted to flaunting her expensive Chanel handbag, effectively diverting everyone's attention. It was a cheap move, but it worked. As the focus shifted back to her, I found myself determined not to let her steal the limelight.

I steered the conversation back to topics I was passionate about, like Africa's unique features, and soon enough, the crowd returned to me. It was a small victory, but it infuriated Bianca. Her face flushed red with anger as she marched over to me, dispersing the crowd with a flick of her hand.

"What do you want, Bianca?" I asked, refusing to show any fear in her presence.

She accused me of talking to her boyfriend, Will, with a hint of possessiveness in her voice. I couldn't help but scoff at her insecurity.

"Why don't you buy your boyfriend a leash to control him?" I retorted, unable to resist the opportunity to provoke her.

Bianca's nostrils flared as she took a step closer, clearly agitated by my remark. I was prepared to stand my ground, but I remembered my promise to Dad to behave myself. Instead of engaging in a confrontation, I called out to a passing Chemistry teacher for assistance.

Bianca and her friend, Morgan, laughed at my attempt to seek help. But as the teacher approached, I seized the opportunity to divert their attention by requesting a lesson on chemical bonding. Bianca's threatening hug and whispered threats did little to faze me as I walked away, leaving her seething with anger.

Later, while sitting on the school benches, still feeling anxious about Bianca's retaliation, I was startled by a playful "Boo!" from behind. I turned around to see Conrad, his charming smile and signature dimple melting away my worries.

"Hi," I greeted him with a smile, momentarily forgetting my concerns.

"Hey... um, do you want to go see a movie after school?" Conrad asked, his words sending a thrill of excitement through me. My first date with Conrad? It sounded like a dream come true. As I mentally scrolled through movie options, trying to find the perfect one, Conrad's voice brought me back to reality.

"Yeah, a movie sounds nice," I replied, trying to hide my blush. It was futile, but I couldn't contain my excitement. I couldn't wait for our movie date!

Cassandra The African Girl (COMPLETE) (EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now