I'm scared

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Requested by StitchOsaurs

Ever since Jethro was young he has suffered from anxiety and badly so. It was just his luck that today when he was on shift that someone was standing on the edge of the cliff close by.

Jethro knew what he had to say even if that was going to expose him.

"Hey! This is not the way, I know how it it to feel like youre useless and thats there is nothing that could make life worth it or make you happy." 

He rambled on, and he knew that every lifeguard on shift at that point would know and probably everyone else if it was up to Hoppo and the rest of the leaders. But at that moment he didn't care he just wanted the other person to get down, he was standing there himself at night a couple years ago but he learned to try to find hope in the small things in life.

It took an hour, 60 minutes, 3600 seconds before he managed to talk them down.

Later on when he was chaning to go home everything hit him. The entire day of rescues, the near drownings of at least 5 people, the incident by the cliffs, his own tries in the past and suddendly he felt as if the walls were coming closer for every second that went by, for every breath take he started struggeling more and more until he was curled up on the floor in a ball sobbing. 

Hoppo had walked in the door the moment Jethro started to panic so he kept his distance as if to not  spook him more that what he already is. Jethro didnt even notice him, to busy with trying not to pass out.

Hoppo decided to take a different approach than normal

"Hey kiddo did I tell you about this prank some of the boys pulled on Maxi in his first season..."

Hoppo told story after story and slowly Jethro got control of his breath again and the only thing he felt was the exhaustion creeping trough his bones.



Hoppo chuckled before giving Jethro a card from his wallet. A card to a local therapist.

"Im not saying you are incapable of handeling this on your own or of doing your job. Struggling mentally while having to be strong on work is not easy and you shouldnt have to go trough it alone either. You dont have to talk with her if you dont want to, but its an option.."

"Im scared everyday"

"Thats okay, its okay to be scared and its absolutely okay to ask for help as well.."

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