The family grows

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Harry let out an exaggerated gasp "Wow! That does sound like a good day!" 

Arlo giggled and ran out of Harry's arms to carry on playing with his train track on the living room floor. Harry turned to you and pulled you into his arms, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"Hey baby, you look lovely as always!" he said.

"Thank you, so do you." you said looking up at Harry's burgundy trousers and cosy white jumper. Effortlessly sexy. "How was the studio?" you asked, pulling back, hands still wrapped around his waist.

"Amazing, yeah! Wrote one song and made a good start on a second. Finished off the one I was talking to you about last week too! On a roll!" he breathed out, a huge grin overtaking his face. 

This was playing out perfectly for you. "Perfect, can't wait to hear them! Play one for me later?" you wiggled your eyebrows and ran your hand through his curls, causing one to flop over his forehead.

"Hmmm, if you're lucky!" he replied, placing a soft kiss on your lips. 

You returned to the kitchen to finish cooking and carry on with the evening. You bathed Arlo together, blowing the bath bubbles around, making him laugh. Harry read him a bedtime story whilst you tidied up downstairs and mentally prepared yourself to tell him that you were pregnant. You were nervous but so excited. 

You curled up on the sofa with a blanket and soon enough, Harry was heading quietly down the stairs. He joined you, peeling back the blanket and pulling you into his side. 

"How was your day, my love?" he asked you softly.

"Yeah good thanks, just spent it here." you replied, biting your lip as you missed out a crucial part of the day. 

"Oh nice, cosy day huh?" 

You nodded. "You know what would make it more exciting?" 

Harry looked at you intensely, shaking his head.

"If you played me one of your new songs!" you replied, leaning up and kissing the corner of his mouth.

Without a word, he scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you into his office. You squealed and both fell into laughter when he threw you down onto the sofa. 

He reached for his guitar and you took a big breath. Harry rested it on his knee and went to say something before you cut him off.

"Oh here, you need a pick." you stood from your place on the sofa and placed the pick with the engraving facing upwards, into his hand. You sat back down without your eyes leaving him, a small smile on your face as he looked at the pick in his hand. Your hands fell to your still flat stomach. 

"I forgot about these-" he began to say. His eyes then met yours and he looked down to your hands on your tummy. 

"Wait- no." you heard his voice crack and his eyes filled with tears. 

You nodded as tears started to fall down your cheeks. 

"You're pregnant?" he choked out.

"Yeah, we're having baby, we're finally having another baby." you giggled through a sob.

Harry practically threw the guitar off of his lap and leapt onto the sofa next to you, pulling you onto his lap as he sobbed into your neck. 

"I can't believe it, I love you so much Y/N. My god I love you!"

"I love you too baby, best Daddy ever. It finally happened, just like you said it would."

He pulled his head away from your neck, placed his hands on either side of your face and kissed you so softly, but with so much passion. He then placed his forehead against yours and stared straight into your watery eyes. His eyes matched yours, glistening green, the biggest grin on his face. 

"Another little baby." he whispered. "We're going to be a family of 4. Oh Arlo is going to be the best big brother." he choked on his sobs again, the realisation that his eldest baby was going to take on a new role. 

"Another little baby, half you and half me." you whispered back.

Harry looked down to your stomach and placed his hands there, before you placed yours on top of his, rubbing your thumbs across his knuckles. 

"How did you know?" he sniffed. "Your period isn't due until next week?"

"Arlo's breakfast made me want to hurl this morning." you both laughed. "I've also felt a bit off the last few days. Figured I'd take a test but didn't want to get your hopes up. I honestly thought it was going to be negative, I've got so used to them being negative."

"But it's not, there's a little tiny baby in there." Harry replied, grinning down at your tummy. "The time must be right, I never doubted this for a second, I knew we'd have another one when the time was right." 

"How are you feeling about it, are you ok, happy?" Harry adjusted his position so he could see your face better. 

"So so happy!" you smiled. "Nervous, I want everything to be ok, but I'm so excited. I'm getting everything I've ever wanted." "Are you happy?" you checked. 

Harry let out a massive, contended sigh. "I'm fucking ecstatic sweetheart! So excited for all of it, watching your beautiful body grow, feeling them kick, watching you bring them into the world, holding them for the first time and wondering who they're going to be and what impact they'll have on the world. Thank you for doing this with me, for me, for us."

"Thanks for doing it with me." you replied, pecking a kiss to his nose. 

Harry then leant down so his face was in line with your tummy and whispered "You're so loved little one, we can't wait to meet you."

Short but sweet, hope you enjoyed!! 

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