Part 9: regetful

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The next couple of days Delilah didn't do much. She didn't talk much, sleep much, or even eat much. She just wanted to crawl into a hole. She was ashamed, she embarrassed herself in front of so many people. She couldn't face them at school again.

She walked into the Kitchen where her dad was reading the newspaper, "where's mom?"
"Who cares?" She went silent for a moment, "dad I was wondering if I could switch schools?"
"Why you only have 2 more years left?"
"Because of bullying."
"Some people at school,"
He sighed "I don't know, Delilah. The only other school is Colorado Academy and we can't afford it."
Then Diana quickly walked in, "Dad I think I'm going to labor," she said. He quickly jumped up, "Hurry up get in the car! Delilah get the bags!" He said and quickly grabbed his keys and help Diana to the car.

They quickly went to the hospital. Willie and his parents arrived. "Bring her back here" the doctor said, "okay the father and both parents follow me!"
Delilah sighed, "why didn't they let me in? I'm her sister!" The sat down in the waiting room, alone. But she was always alone. Delilah was deep in thought, she really just wanted to shrivel up.

A few minutes passed and she saw someone there, sitting a few chairs beside her. It was Jasper, Teddy's little brother. He was now a freshman in high school. He actually noticed her, "oh hey, you're Teddy's friend, Delilah right?"
"Yeah, hey"
"Oh wow I haven't seen you in a bit, how have you been?"
"I've been alright. So what are you doing here at the hospital?"
His face went sad and he looked down, "um well, you know how our mom is sick? She uh-" his voice went small, "had a stroke..." Delilah's eyes widened, "I'm so sorry.." she said, "no it's alright, she'll be fine. She's always fine." Then the doctor called him in, "I gotta go, see you at school"

After a while, she had feel asleep on the chair and the nurse woke her up, "miss wake up"
"Huh? What time is it?"
"It's about 4am. Anyways your sister just had her baby if you'd like to meet him"
Delilah quickly jumped up and walked into the room. She saw Diana laying on the bed, Willam standing next to her and a little tiny baby in front of them. Delilah smiled and walked over to them. "What did you name him?" She asked, "Carson William Gray" Diana replied. Delilah smiled, "he's so cute. And he's a little blondie like us" she chuckled. Diana and William chuckled too. "Do you wanna hold him?"
Delilah held the tiny little baby in her arms, he looked a lot of William but had blonde hair and blue eyes like Diana. As she held him she had an epiphany. Maybe life wasn't so bad, you're gonna have embarrassing moments. And she thought this baby has his hold life ahead of him, and she wanted to be there for her nephew, every step of it.

After a couple days, Delilah had to finally face school again. Too bad she didn't have her sister, she was at home taking care of Carson. She thought she was a great mom though, knowing that she's only 16. Delilah took a deep breath, please lord, I just wanna have a good day, she thought. She walked in and immediately people stared at her and whispered. If Diana was here she'd be like 'you need to ignore them, they aren't worth your time!' But without her here Delilah could hear them loud and clear even with people talking, laughing, and screaming through the hallways. They said things like, "omg Delilah is back?! Did you see what happened on Halloween at that party?" Their whispers were so loud.

She just went to her 1st period and tried not to look at them. This class was English, then she realized that she had this class with Teddy, since he failed it last year. She just tried to just focus on her work. The teacher walked in and even stared at Delilah, "uh- sorry, today class we are gonna talk about Drama." She said as she wrote 'drama' on the chalk board. "I know you guys love drama, and I know that there is very big drama that everyone is talking about right now." Everyone seemed to look at Delilah, "but but we are here to talk about another type of drama."

After school, Delilah went home. She walked in her room. Diana was feeding the baby and she dropped her backpack on the floor, laid face down on the bed and quietly cried. "Delilah..." Diana said as she put the baby in his crib, next to her bed. "No, Diana don't try to talk to me about it! You don't understand!" She cried, "but Delilah..."
"No because everyone loves you and your amazing! And you actually have friends and an amazing boyfriend and you're not annoying and so 'happy go lucky'" she cried, tears fell from her eyes, "you're beautiful and I'm just the ugly twin..."
Delilah fell to the floor bailing, it started echoing in her head again I hate you. Diana grabbed her off the floor and held her in her arms, "did Teddy tell you all that...?"
"He said he hates me!" She cried, "he never cared about me, he never cared..."
They didn't say anything and they just hugged there, sitting on the floor. Then the baby started crying. Diana got up and grabbed him, "guess I gotta take care of two crying babies"
Delilah laughed as she wiped her tears, "I love you Diana, you're my only friend.."
Diana smiled.

'Teddy bear!' (COMPLETE)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon