Part 10: disoriented

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It had been a couple weeks and everyone had mostly forgotten about the drama. That's the thing about high schoolers they'll talk about it for a week or two and then move on to the text trending thing. Diana was finally back at school too. Everyone was surprised to see her back. She walked up to Destiny and Delilah followed. She didn't say anything, because she knew she didn't like her. "Diana I'm so glad you're back! What happened to you?"
"Oh um, really sick"
"Oh really? Because there's actually a rumor that you had a baby..."
Diana and Delilah's hearts both sank, "that's stupid! Why would I have a baby? I'm only 16"
"Oh well still it's nice to have you back!"

Delilah and Diana walked to class together, "alright have fun in English!" Diana said. Delilah walked in the door as she waved bye to her sister. She looked around, Teddy had still been gone. Maybe he's sick. Then she remembered at the hospital, could it be that...?

After 1st period was over she quickly ran to find Destiny, "Destiny, what happened to Teddy?" She asked, "oh well wouldn't you like to know, I don't even know. He said he's going through something and then broke up with me. But it's fine I already moved on to Justin Miller."
Delilah's eyes widened, "um what time is lunch?" She asked, "um in like 10 minutes?" "Alright.."

When lunch started she quickly ran to his house. She didn't have a car and obviously there was no buses and Destiny definitely wasn't gonna take her so she just ran. Running there would take her about 20 minutes but it was worth it. She just needed to see if he was okay. Then she remembered how much he hated her. She started walking, "maybe he doesn't want to see me.."
But she still really cared about him. She started running again. After about ten minutes she arrived at his house. She tried to catch her breathe fro a moment. And then she knocked on the door. Jasper opened it, "oh, hey.."
His voice sounded shaky and small. "Um is Teddy there?" "Oh yeah..follow me." They went to his room and she knocked on the door. "Teddy...bear, it's Delilah"
She just walked in the door he sat there on his bed, just staring. "Um I know you don't want to see me but I needed to see you.."

They both sat in the kitchen, at the table. "So have you ate yet?" Teddy shook his head, "here I actually brought you some" she smiled a soft, sad smile. He just stayed silent as he picked up the ziplock that had a sandwich in it. "Sorry it's not anything special, um money is kinda hard right now for us. Since Diana had her baby."
"Why are you being so nice to me?" He said
"Hm?" Delilah sat there confused, "what do you mean?"
"I'm a horrible person...I embarrassed you in front the whole school and said I...hated you"
Delilah smiled softly again, "because, when you truly like someone you'd like them no matter what...I didn't stop liking you, Teddy"

Teddy opened the ziplock and took a bite of the sandwich, Delilah smiled softly again. Teddy looked down and then looked up at her and his got closer to her. Delilah's heart stopped, it didn't skip a beat. It's like it completely stopped. "T-Teddy?" She mumbled as his face got closer. She could feel his breathe on her, that's how close he was. Her heart raced, her first kiss is about to happen, in his very moment. Then the world went silent as there lips pressed together, the whole world went silent. No noise at all. Then Teddy grabbed the back of her head, his finger running through her blond golden hair, pulling her in more. He finally broke off the kiss. The didn't say anything for a moment. "Sorry..." Teddy said as he broke the silence. "N-no it's okay." "I just I know that, that was probably your first kiss" " was." Silence for a couple more moments, "I'm glad it was with you." Teddy smiled slightly. "Sorry about what I said, I just wanted it to seem like I didn't like you, I was dating Destiny so I couldn't. But I've actually liked you since May." Delilah smiled softly again, "so what are we gonna do about that?" She asked,   "We could date..."
They smiled at each other softly, "let's not tell the world..."
"Why not?"
"Because they ruin beautiful things..I don't wanna be torn from you"
Teddy smiled again,

That day Delilah walked home feeling better than she did in months. She walked into her room and laid on her bed, he tasted like peanut butter from his sandwich, and she giggled a bit.

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