Part 7: whole new person

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August 22, 1981

It was the first day back at school, Delilah was excited but sad because this was the last year she'd have with Teddy, now that he's a senior.

Everyone was going to lunch and Delilah was standing by her locker, looking around for Teddy. He was probably still embarrassed to be seen with her though. Then she spotted him and smiled. She walked over and he was standing with Destiny. Her smile quickly faded. She watched as they talked and laughed. Then Teddy saw her and waved, they started walking towards her. "Delilah!" He said, "hey!" She replied, "I'm so happy to see you!" He said happily, "really?" Delilah smiled, "yeah I've been so eager to tell you!" Delilah thought of all the endless possibilities. Then he grabbed a hold of Destiny's hand and they smiled at each other, "me and Destiny are dating!" Delilah stopped smiling, "that's great! I'm so happy for you!" She replied, "since when?" "Since July. He asked me to be his girlfriend" Destiny replied happily, smiling at Teddy.

Later that night, Delilah stayed awake in bed thinking about it, what does she have that I don't? I mean she's pretty and I'm moderately attractive! She's model though... She laid away thinking. And then she walked across the room to Diana's bed. She had the blanket over her head, the phone cord was sticking out the blanket and she giggled softly. "Diana?" She said as she pulled the blanket off her head, "Delilah I'm trying to sleep!" She said, "you're on the phone" "what do you want?" Diana asked, "um I'll wait until you're done, it's kind of embarrassing" she replied. "Alright I gotta go, Delilah needs a pad, she has heavy flow" she said and hung up the phone. "Why would you say that!" Delilah said, "I didn't lie" she replied. "Anyways I need your help" "with  what?" "Um- I want you to teach me how to be more girly, you know like things to make me look prettier" Delilah said. Diana's face lit up completely, "omg, it's the best day of my life!" She said.

A while later, Delilah and Diana were on the floor with a bunch of items spread out. "Alright you can put zit cream on every night and they'll be gone in like 2 days" Diana said, "ooh!" "Are you okay?" "Yeah the baby just kicked" Diana replied, "I still can't believe you're pregnant" "yeah, I'm really nervous. But I know things will turn out well. Just gotta keep wearing baggy shirts to school" she chuckled. "Does anyone else, know?" "No, not other than you and Willie" "she picked up a tube off the floor, "okay this is a strawberry lip balm, and I know it smells delicious but don't eat it" she said, "ooh in the morning you should let me crimp your hair!" She said excitedly. "You're really having fun with this" Delilah said, "yeah of course, ooh and if I have a girl she'd be such a little cute blondie like me. Unless she gets Willie's black hair," they both laughed. "You know I miss us hanging out, seems like we both got our own thing and never have time to hang out now" Delilah said, "yeah it's nice" Diana replied.

In the morning, Delilah walked into school nervously wondering if anyone would notice. She took a deep breath and walked threw the door. Everyone immediately looked at her, saying things like, "oh my gosh, is that Delilah?" "No that has to be Diana."

Delilah went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She never looked so much like Diana, they have the same face and same height of course but she was wearing a dress that Diana would love, her hair crimped just like Diana does everyday, she was wearing contacts, Diana wears contacts because she said glasses make her ugly. Delilah usually wears glasses, did that make her ugly? Then a group of girls came in the bathroom, "Diana, you look pretty today" one of the girls told Delilah. "I'm Delilah..." she said under her breath.

She walked out and looked for anyone she knew, Willie, Lucas, Teddy, even Destiny. Then she spotted Lucas. She walked over and dragged him to the other hall. "Diana, what the heck" he said, "I'm Delilah!" She replied, "oh, did you do something with your hair?" He asked. Delilah sighed, "this was a bad idea" she said. Lucas paused, "oh we're you trying to get notice by someone?" Lucas asked, "shut up!" Delilah said and walked away.

At lunch she was sitting alone, like everyday. Then she saw Teddy pass her and she quickly jumped up. "Teddy bear!" She called, "oh hey, did you get a new look?" He asked, "yeah, do you like it?" Delilah replied, "I'm cool with whatever you like, but you don't have to change for anyone Delilah. You're cool the way you are." Teddy was the one person that knew she was Delilah and not Diana. She was so glad. "Teddy!" Destiny said as she ran up to them and gave him a hug. "I'll catch up with you later, Delilah" "bye..."

Later everyone was walking out and going home, Delilah walked out and saw Teddy standing there. "Hey, Teddy bear" she said happily, "are you waiting for someone?" She asked, "yeah, I'm waiting for Destiny" "oh I actually just saw her leaving with Lucas"
"Oh well I guess I'll be going now" he said and walked off, "I thought you had a car?" Delilah said as she kept following him, "yeah the engine broke and I don't have any money to repair it so I'll just be walking"
"Um Teddy, is it okay if I walk with you?" Delilah asked. Teddy paused and turned around, "I guess, our house are in the same neighborhood anyways."
Delilah smiled and walked next to him, they could hear people teasing them behind their backs.

Later that evening Delilah was in her room getting ready for bed. She was sitting at her vanity putting on the zit cream Diana gave her. She couldn't stop smiling. "What are you so happy about?" Diana asked as she came out of the bathroom with a throw up stain on her sweater, "I walked home with Teddy today" she smiled, "oh I'm so happy for you. While you're over there flirting with taken guys I'm at home with a child in my vag-" "alright, Diana" Delilah interrupted her. "And I'm not flirting with taken guys, I just happen to be close with my crush who has a girlfriend"
"You literally just said the same thing with more words" she replied as she laid on the bed, "you're getting big, how long are you now?" Delilah asked
"32 weeks"

Then their dad walked in, "hey sweetie are you alright I heard a lot of throwing up" he said, "yeah dad I'm fine" Diana replied, "well good night girls" he said and walked out the room.

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