Part 15: Mistakes

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December 3, 1990

It was a few days after Thanksgiving and Delilah was walking down the street. She was trying to clear her head about what happened with Teddy. She was so embarrassed and believed it was a mistake. Then a truck pulled up behind her. It was a big red truck, the tires were covered in mud. It stopped and she turned around, Teddy walked out. "Hey, um sorry but Diana told me where you were" he said. "Oh." "I tried calling you but you didn't answer,"
"Oh yeah, my phone died." She lied, she just ignored it she couldn't talk to him. "Anyways, I wanted to talk to you." Delilah's worst fear, talking to Teddy. Especially after what happened.

They ended up at the lake, walking on the rocks against the water. "So what are you up to these days?" Teddy asked as he walked with his hands in his jacket pockets. "Um nothing really, I just graduated medical school and I've been working as a doctor."
Teddy's eyes lit up, "woah that's so cool! So how was New York?"
"Well it was big, a lot big buildings and it kinda smelled like pee."
They both laughed.

A while later they were sitting in the back of Teddy's truck. Talking and laughing like old times. Catching up on life, and what had happen in the 8 years they were apart. "You know I really wished you came to say goodbye" Delilah said, "me too, but I was really upset about the breakup" he replied. Delilah looked down remembering that night, "I wonder what would have happened if it didn't happen" she said. Then she realized that she said that out loud. "Oh sorry, I guess I was thinking out loud" she chuckled nervously. Teddy smiled softly as he looked at her, "who knows maybe if we didn't break up we'd be engaged like Destiny and Justin" he said as he lead back and looked up at the evening sky of yellow and orange. "I'm glad we're still good friends, we've always been great friends!" Delilah smiled. Teddy stared at her, "what is something on my face?" She asked as she wiped her mouth and cheeks. Teddy chuckled, "no, I just missed your smile" he replied.

A little later it was getting dark, they were still in the same spot that they've been talking for hours in. "I know I dated other girls before you though, but I truly believe that you were the first one I really loved" Teddy said. Delilah was laying back, dozing off, not really listening. "I really wonder what would have happened...but maybe in another universe." He looked back at Delilah laying down. He poked her face gently, "hey, wake up, sleepy head" he said. She fluttered her eyes open, "do you want me to take you home?" He asked. Delilah mumbled something in her sleepy voice. "Alright, I'm gonna assume you said yes!" He replied as he jumped off the truck. Delilah followed him and they got into the truck.

They arrived at Delilah's apartment. Teddy walked her up to her room. He chuckled as they walked in, "when you're sleepy it's like you're drunk!" He said. "Don't laugh at me, butthole!" Delilah replied as she sat on her bed and took off her shoes. "Butthole?" He asked, "yes, I can't bring myself to say the swear word!"
He chuckled again, "same old Delilah, you really haven't changed" he smiled. "I'm not old! I'm 26 and your 27 which makes you old!" She replied, he smiled again. "Teddy?"
"Hm?" Teddy walked over to Delilah's bed, "you never talked about when we kissed the other day" she said, "oh, I didn't think you'd feel comfortable talking about it so I didn't bring it up." Delilah smiled softly, "I think we're better off as friends" she replied. Teddy paused, "it was a mistake, and it won't happen again." He didn't reply for a second. "Uh, agreed" he finally said. "Well you should get some sleep, good night!" He said as he walked to the door, "good night" she replied.

A few days passed and Delilah had just got home from work. The phone was already ringing, she walked to the kitchen where the pale blue phone was hanging on the wall. She answered, "hello?"
"Hey it's Teddy, are you doing anything right now?" He asked, "I just got home from work, what's up?"
"Well um I just wanted to hang out with you tomorrow, I'm having a game and I wanted you to come."
"Oh, um sure I think I'm free for a bit."

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