Part 11: Secret

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This day at school was way different then the last couple months had been, Delilah was finally back to herself. She walked into school and was smiling. "What are you so happy about?" Diana asked "I'm just glad to be myself again." Diana smiled and put an arm around her as they walked.

Delilah walked in her 1st period, she smiled at Teddy and he smiled back at her. Then she sat in her desk.

At lunch she looked at Teddy and saw him sitting with his friends. Then she sat at an empty table next to them. Teddy glanced at her and stopped what he was doing stood up and sat right across from her. "Hey"
"Hey, um weren't you sitting with your friends?"
"Who cares I would rather sit with..." his voice got soft, "my girlfriend" he whispered. Delilah laughed. Then Diana and William sat at the same table. "Hey" William said as he sat down, "hey."
"Ugh no tables are open!" Destiny said, "we could sit there, with Delilah"
"Ugh fine."
Then they sat right at the same table, "hey dorks" Destiny said, "hey."
Delilah smiled, "I never had people to sit with at lunch" she said, "well now you do!" William replied. "Destiny, your not gonna eat anything?" Delilah asked. Destiny looked kinda nervous, "uh- I'm not hungry"
Delilah looked at her concerned, "Destiny, here" she said and handed her, her apple, "I know it's not much but it'd be enough until you get home" she smiled. Destiny took it and smiled, "thank you."
Teddy walked back to the table, "here I got your drink." He handed Delilah a bottle, "uh Teddy, I can't drink this it has caffeine in it"
"I'm um-" her voice went quiet, "on my...period"
Teddy became a bit flustered, "oh! Why didn't you say something? Here" He handed her his drink, "it's tea"
"Oh, uh thank you" she smiled.

Later in the hallway Diana quickly catches up to Delilah, "hey!"
"Oh hi"
"So um, what's up with you and your precious Teddy Bear" Diana smirked, "nothing.." "come on there is something" she said. "Oh this is my class" Delilah said and walked in a classroom. Diana stopped, "I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!"

Later after school, it was about midnight. Delilah walked out of her house, with her hood over her head. She walked down the street and Teddy was there waiting for her. "Delilah I don't think you're hot pink jacket is a very good disguise" he said. She took her hood off her head revealing her blond hair. "This is all I had!" She defended. Teddy laughed, "you're stupid!" They we're silent for a few seconds, "Teddy Bear?"
He turn his head to her, "yeah?"
"Is it okay if we don't tell anyone? Like are you okay with that?"
He paused as he looked down for a moment, then he looked back up into her blue eyes and said "I am. I mean whatever you're comfortable with"
Delilah smiled and put her arms around him, "Teddy I wanna tell people." He paused and she looked up at him, her arms still around him, "you do?" He replied, "yes, I know that we won't be torn apart, we're both too strong for that" she said. He hugged her and then kissed her lips, "okay, let's do it." He replied.

They next morning. Delilah had woke up in Teddy's room. She looked around, the room was a bit messy, they walls were covered in posters of bands. She looked over and he was asleep. She quickly walked lo out and went to the phone in the kitchen. She quickly dilated a number. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Her dad yelled on the other line, he was obviously panicking. "um, I met up with a friend and I was supposed to only hang out for a bit but I guess I fell asleep.." Delilah replied, "why didn't you call me?! You had me and your sister worried sick!" He said. "I know I'm really sorry!" Delilah replied. Her dad sighed, "alright, just come home and get ready for school."
Teddy walked in as she hung up the phone, "oh Delilah, I thought you went home" he said, "I fell asleep. I have to go now, I'll see you in a minute!" She said.

They paused and stood right there at the entrance. A bunch of students passing by them. "Are you ready?" Teddy asked, Delilah smiled brightly, "of course, Teddy Bear!"

'Teddy bear!' (COMPLETE)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin