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Author's Note:

Hey everyone I'd just like to apologize for taking so long to update. I've been really busy, and just needed sometime to myself, and I sorta lost inspiration, but now I'm gonna try to write some more chapters, I'm done with the "I'm Back" BS, became I don't want you guys to rely on me too much. Just know that I'm trying and I just don't know what the next Chapter should be, or whose POV it should be from. I would just like to update a few things.

1. I know I stupidly wanted John Jameson to be played by me but I'd like to recast him with another actor I am a fan of Judah Lewis.

2. I don't know if weekly updates can be a thing anymore, because I don't have that kind of time anymore. I have work, school, college applications, and drama club, so I'm a bit busy, so please don't except new chapters, so soon, cause I don't have enough time or creativity for that. 

I'll tell you what I'll write you guys a bonus chapter, I'll give you guys the Music Playlist Peter listens to, that I made for this story, you'll notice I used a lot of songs from it in previous chapters. Does that sound good? You okay with that? Will that hold you over till I release the next chapter? (Comment your answer)

I hope you guys understand. Thank you to those who've supported me since Chapter 1, and those who've been reading, and enjoying the story, I'm not gonna promise anything, but I'll try to get started on, and release the next chapter soon. 

Love Jay ❤️

Remember to comment, and talk back!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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