Chapter 6

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AN: That guy on the right is in fact me as John Jameson, sorry to those who want Jaden Martell, but I can't imagine John as anyone but me. I know that may sound conceded. 

Peter POV


October 9, 2016

The sound of Peter's alarm clock woke him up. He woke up at 6:45 AM like he usually does. One of the things he loved about May's new rules is that he had to come home and go to sleep at a certain time, but nowadays he got a solid 6 to 5 1/2 hours of sleep.

Before his sleeping schedule would be unpredictable, sometimes he'd get 8 hours, or 7, or 3 or 2 hours or maybe just 45 minutes of sleep. His enhanced abilities made him able to process normally despite his lack of sleep, but that didn't take away from how tired he would always be, luckily no one would notice, and he still kept steady grades.

He crawled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, poured himself a bowl of cheerios, and a glass of OJ. He downed both in a matter of 10 minutes, rinsed both dishes, and set them in the sink.

7:00 he continued his morning routine by taking a quick shower.

7:10- Peter stepped out of the shower, dried off, and began gelling his uncontrollably messy, curly hair into its normal style.

7:20- After gelling his hair Peter threw on his suit. He put black and navy checked button up shirt, a faded gray beat up zip-up hoodie, tight dark jeans, over his suit ,and a pair of navy Dunk low Nikes that fit over his boots. He shoved his gloves into his right jacket pocket, and his mask into his left pocket. He grabbed a few bucks from his underwear drawer to pay for lunch.

It was now 7:30 and he had 30 minutes to get to school. He walked out into the living room seeing May in the kitchen making herself breakfast.

"Morning sweetie," she said with a bright smile.

"Morning May," he said, returning her smile. He walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey," she said as he picked up his backpack from the front door. "I heard Spider-Man stopped an armed robbery last night. Took out the robbers in a matter of seconds." Peter gave her a modest smile. "Way to go kiddo," giving him a proud smile. Peter smiled blushing. He threw his backpack over his shoulder, and made his way to school.

"I'll see you later, May,"

"Okay. Do you have your lunch money?"

"Yeah, I have Decathlon practice today, so I'm gonna be out a little longer,"

"Just make sure you come back as soon as practice is over." He nodded in agreement. "Okay sweetie, have a good day,"

"You too, larb you."

"Larb you too," he left the apartment, and made his way to school.

Peter arrived at school 12 minutes early, like he usually did, shoving his backpack, and hoodie inside his locker. He took out the books and folders he needed for his first 3 periods and made his way to Ned's locker wanting to see him before 1st period started, since he hasn't been able to see him outside of class and decathlon practice. He saw Ned standing next to his locker talking to MJ. He smiled. He didn't know why but he felt extra happy to see her. He strode up to them greeting them with a wide smile.

"Morning bro," Ned greeted him with, a smile

"Sup loser," MJ said, giving him a "sup" nod, not losing her bored look.

"Hey guys, what's up," he said, giving Ned a homie/bro handshake.

"What's up is, I miss you man." Ned said, looking slightly sad. "When can we start hanging out again?" Peter admittedly missed hanging out with Ned, watching Star Wars and building LEGOs sets.

Marvel's Spectacular Spider-Man (MCU reimagined after Homecoming)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon