Chapter 16

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Norman Osborn- Michael Shannon

HammerHead- Laurence Fishburne

Flint Marko- John Cena

Aleksei O'Hern- Jason Stathman

Norman Osborn POV

Norman was never one to be nervous, but it was these types of meetings where he found himself on edge if he was late, but he knew he couldn't show it, especially with the type of people who he was about to meet with. Jenny(His assistant) had told him they'd already arrived, so he now stood outside his office, fixing his tie, standing up straight, and running a hand through his gelled hair. He took a deep breath before entering.

Norman scanned his office

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Norman scanned his office. He saw 2 handcuffed men, who were looking very uneasy, sitting on his leather couch. Both men looked very muscular, one had a buzz cut with a bald spot, and a salt, and pepper beard. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt under a tan beat up jacket, light blue jeans, and black pumas. The man who attempted to steal plutonium from Norman's company just a few days earlier. Aleksei O'Hern.

The other muscular man had brown hair, a military haircut, large ears, and a defined jawline. He wore a brown military jacket over a green and navy blue striped long sleeve shirt, brown cargo pants, and a pair of construction boots. His name was Flint Marko. He was arrested a week ago, by Spider-Man, for attempting to rob the Queens County Bank.

The two men looked at Norman with nervous, and confused looks. Norman simply shot them a satisfied smile, and turned his attention to a third person who was sitting at his desk.

There was a large dark skinned man sitting at a Norman's desk in a well tailored navy blue pinstripe suit, and a red tie. He turned, revealing his face. The man had a very large misshapen forehead, with one, or two scars on it, and a white glass eye. He scowled at Norman, and looked down at a pocket watch lying in his gold ring covered hand.

"It's about damn time," Hammerhead growled quietly, in his thick Brooklyn accent. Norman sighed, annoyed.

"Gentlemen, I apologize for being late," Norman said, addressing the room. He walked further into the room, while Hammerhead got up from his chair. "I lost track of time," he explained. Norman offered his hand to Hammerhead. He shook it, squeezing it tightly, making Norman wince in slight pain.

"Sure you did," Hammerhead growled sarcastically. Norman bit back an angered remark, and gave a small smile. "Picked these two up an hour ago. The Big Man has plans for them, they show talent." Norman turned his head to the two slightly nervous men, and smiled.

"I know they do." He walked over to his desk, and pulled out a bottle from his drawer, while Hammerhead took the handcuffs off of Marko, and O'hern. Norman grabbed three glasses from his shelf and walked over to the men, and sat on a seat next to the couch. He uncorked the bottle, and poured Scotch into the three glasses. "50 year old Genlevet Whiskey made in 1967. To die for. " he gloated in a soft voice, handing the glasses to the two criminals, which they accepted. Norman raised his glass full of the whiskey "To New York," With that they cheered their glasses and sipped the whiskey.

"Uh... Mr Osborn," Marko said hesitantly, he shifted uncomfortably, when he felt Norman's gaze on him. "May I ask what we're doing here?" Norman swallowed, and gave a sly smile..

"I'm glad you asked, Mr. Marko," Norman said. getting up, and putting the Scotch back in his drawer.

"How'd you know my name?" he asked, with an amazed tone. Norman turned back to him, and scowled at him confused.

"I bailed you out of jail," He said, in a "duh" tone. "You think I wouldn't know your name?" Aleksei let out a laugh at Marko, who's now looking down in slight embarrassment, making Norman chuckle under his breath, making his sly smile return.

"I also happen to know that your 8 year old daughter, Kathryn, is sick." Marko's head shot up at the mention of his daughter. He looked like he was ready to cry. Norman gave him a sympathetic look before carrying on. "She has thyroid cancer with metastasis forming in her lungs, right? You and your wife have been struggling to make ends meet, and can't afford hospital treatments, am I correct?" Marko looked down, looked down and inhaled deeply, trying to fight back tears. "That's why you robbed that bank isn't it? You just wanted to help your little girl." Flint nodded with a tear streaming down his cheek. Aleksei gawked at Flint with a look of pity. Norman walked back over and sat on the coffee table in front of the weeping man, setting his hand comfortingly on his forearm.

"As a father you'd do anything for children, I admire that, and I respect it." he told him. Flint looked back up at him and gave a thankful nod, before his gaze returned to his lap.

Norman's head turned to Aleksei, they locked eyes.

"And you, Mr. O'hern. You grew up in Queens, yes? To an American mother, and a Russian father?" Aleksei nodded.

"You've been an enforcer for the Russian mafia for years, pulling dangerous job after dangerous job, yet were never paid properly because they never truly saw you as one of them, and all you want is a score that makes up for everything you've been through, am I correct?" Aleksei looked speechlessly at the pinstriped suited man in front of him.

"Actually, you got that right to a "T"" The bald man answered. Norman's sly smile returned to his lips. He stood up, walked over to his desk, and sat down in the chair next to Hammerhead, and crossed his legs.

"And do you both hate Spider-Man?"

"You have to ask?" Marko Scoffed.

Just from the mention of the wall crawler Aleksei looked like a volcano ready to explode. He inhaled, clenching his fist, veins in his head becoming visible.

"If I ever get my hands on the freak, I'm gonna rip his heart out, and crush his head like a tomato." Norman gave a small chuckle at this statement.

"How would you feel if I said I'd like to offer you two a job, where you not only get to beat up on Spider-Man, but will be paid enough money, to pay for your daughter's operation," He said motioning to Flint. "And enough money to be set for life, and make up for all the glory you were denied." he finished this time motioning to Aleksei.

"I'm in," they said in unison, shocking both Norman and Hammerhead.

"Really?" Norman asked, surprised.

"That's all you had to say," Aleksei explained.

"Yeah, sounds like a sweet deal," Marko agreed, extending his arm, offering his hand

"Oh... okay." Norman said, still in slight bewilderment, shaking Marko's hand, then O'hern's.

Hammerhead stood up from his seat, and looked down at the two men and smiled slyly.

"Welcome to the Big Leagues, boys."

AN: Finally finished. I'm so sorry for the month-long delay, I was just trying to enjoy my summer. I'm a little nervous, because I'm working to get my driver's license, and I'm going into my Senior soon, so I was trying not to stress. Sorry if this chapter is a little boring, it was originally gonna be longer, but I just wanted to finish it and release it. Hope you like it. I'll try not to make y'all wait so long again.

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