Chapter 4

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May stood there, in her nephew's room, as she watched him jump out of the window to some dangerous situation, where he could possibly get hurt. She hugged herself as she continued to silently cry, this was gonna keep her up all night, every night. She knew Peter could handle himself, but it didn't make her any less terrified for him. She didn't want to lose him. She already lost Ben, Peter was all she had left, he was like a son to her. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

She walked toward his bed, sitting down, and hugging one of his pillows close to her chest. She inhaled deeply, catching his smell on the pillow. She could always recognize his scent, strawberry Suave shampoo, AX body spray, and lots of musky cologne. She cried at the thought of never smelling that scent again, never feeling his scrawny, yet muscular body, when she hugged him, never weirding him out with her hilarious (AN: crappy and weird) humor. She clutched the pillow tightly to her chest, and laid herself down on the bed, she kept thinking about their conversation before he left. How he got his powers, How he blamed himself for Ben's death, and then she thought about Stark.


One thing is for sure, she now hates that man with every fiber of her being. How could he hand a million dollar tech suit to a 14-year old, and put him up against, super soldier and an assassin. She didn't care how tough and strong Peter was, he had no business being there, and Stark had no business, putting him in that position. She should've known. "Stark internship my ass" she thought to herself. One thing is for sure once Peter got back, and she knew he was safe. She was gonna call Stark and give him an earful... then she was gonna ground Peter for the rest of his life.

So there she lay on Peter's bed. She rested her head down and prayed for his safety, before crying herself to sleep, with the hope that when she woke up this would just be a nightmare.

She woke up 10 minutes later. Remembering what happened before she dozed off she stood up quickly, and looked all over the room hoping to see Peter was back safe and sound. But he was nowhere to be found. She called his name, leaving his room and walking all over their small apartment. She called his name over and over, but there was still no reply. Quickly thinking, she took out her phone and searched "Recent Spider-Man citing" she clicked on the first link that popped up, saying it was uploaded 4 minutes ago. She looked at her phone as the video began playing.

The video: A building is shown engulfed in flames. The firemen are pulling as many people out of the building as quickly as they can. One frantic woman starts making her way back toward the burning building, before being stopped by a fireman.

"I have to get in there- my baby's in there." she says trying to push past the fireman, but he pushes her back.

"Miss I can't let you in there the roof's about to collapse,"

"NO PLEASE, MY BABY'S IN THERE, PLEASE!" she tries pushing harder, but he stops her

"I CAN'T LET YOU IN THERE THE ROOF'S ABOUT TO COLLAPSE," he tried, to reason with, but she wouldn't listen, forcing a few other firemen to come over and pull her back, she kept begging them to let her go, and they kept trying to calm her down, but she was way to hysteric to be calmed.

"SOMEBODY SAVE MY BABY!" she cried, desperately.

"LOOK! Up there," yelled a young pre-teen bystander.

The camera pans up to the higher parts of the buildings, showing a figure in red and blue swinging toward the scene, everyone immediately recognizes him.

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