Chapter 11

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Peter POV

Tuesday, October 15, 2016

Today, Peter was finally free from his punishment, so he could start hanging out with his friends, build legos, and watch TV again. He jumped out of bed, showered, had some peanut butter toast, brushed his teeth, threw on a pair of black jeans, an Andy Warhol t-shirt, and a black wool coat over his suit. He finished getting ready earlier than usual this morning so he grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV, and changed the channel to the local news. The reporter was talking about him...well Spider-man actually, and how he stopped O'hern on Saturday.

Peter busting O'hern soon became the talk of the town. It headlined almost every newspaper, it was the top story on the new stations, and the news media. Of course everytime Peter stopped something big as Spider-man, it was the biggest thing in the news, but this might've been the biggest crime he stopped. O'hern was apparently a huge member of the Russian mafia, and the police had been hunting him for 2 years, and Peter was the one to catch him. Peter's attention switched back to the reporter.

"... Returned CEO of OSCORP, Norman Osborn, had this to say about the wall crawler." it switched to a press conference, on the podium was a tall, broad shouldered, squinty eyed man, looking to be in his 40s, with combed hair, and a pinstripe suit. Peter recognized the man as Harry's dad, Norman Osborn.

"Everyone at the OSCORP family, including me, sends their thanks to New York's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." Norman announced loudly, into the microphone. "I've seen many heroes in my time, but I haven't seen one so powerful, standing up for the little guy, and handling problems that the Avengers can't. And if the wall crawler happens to be an average everyday citizen, looking out for his city, I have nothing, but the deepest respect for him. Thank you Spider-Man."

Peter smiled. "You're welcome, Mr. Osborn." he said quietly, to himself before turning the TV off.

Peter listened to "Dream Catcher" by Set it Off, as he rode the subway to school. He wore a smile as he walked into the school, feeling good from what he saw on the news this morning. He didn't care that no one else knew. He knew, and that was enough. He was proud of himself, and had a huge feel good attitude. He opened his locker and pulled out his first period stuff. He stuffed his bag in, before feeling an arm wrap around his head, covering his eyes.

"Guess who, bitch" said a feminine voice behind him. Peter smiled recognizing the voice.

"Uuuuuhhh," he said, sounding like he was thinking. "Is it Nancy?" he asked sarcastically. Nancy was another anarchist basket case that went to their school, and she was a little like MJ, just more annoying, and weird... and a bit crazy. MJ laughed, sarcastically.

"Fuck off," she said, uncovering his eyes. Peter laughed at her annoyance. He turned to see her with her hair down, a black leather jacket, a white button up shirt, a black denim skirt, over a pair of ripped tights, and black beat up boots. She looked extremely annoyed by his joke, making him soften a bit.

"Oh come on MJ," he said, nudging her shoulder, she started to come around giving a shy smile. "You know you're the only basket case-weirdo-chick for me,"

"I better be," Peter hysterically laughed at the fact that she didn't care that he called her a weirdo.

"You are," he said in a laughing voice, she gave a bright smile, at his amusement. Peter always admired how she didn't care what people thought of her and was proud of who she was, something Peter could never do. He was proud to be Spider-Man, but he didn't know if he was proud to be Peter Parker.

"Hey," he said, catching his breath. "Is that offer to practice at the cafe still on the table? I'm not grounded anymore so I'm free." MJ stared at Peter, with a surprised look, she furrowed her eyebrows.

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