Chapter 10

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AN: I'd appreciate it if you guys would leave comments and reviews on chapters. I'd love to hear what you guys think, and if you're enjoying the story remember these are only the opening chapters it's gonna get more interesting, just wait. Love y'all who are reading it, and those who are starring it. Sorry if the chapters are a bit short, but you gotta crawl before you walk. I've never been so serious about a fanfic before, and usually I make the chapters so long I'm trying to give these chapters the right length.

Remember to comment/review, and in the next chapter I'm gonna do something really cool, and you guys hopefully will love it.

Enjoy Chapter 10.

New Characters and Actors:

Aleksi O'hern (Rhino)- Jason Statham

Maxine Dillion- Amandla Stenberg

Peter POV

Monday, October 12 , 2016

Saturday morning Peter decided to do a morning patrol, having no reason to stay inside, he couldn't watch TV, Build LEGOs, play games, or hang out with friends so he decided to do a morning patrol. He ate breakfast, kissed May, and suited up.

Now he was in his suit, free falling through the air after a big swing from the Empire State building threw him several meters into the sky. He enjoyed the feeling of his body free falling, and the air pushing against his tight spandex suit. He fell for a while waiting to get closer to the buildings so he could start swinging again, but he started realizing how long it was gonna take for him to free fall, so he decided to straighten his body, and aim face first toward the ground, making him fall a lot faster.

When he finally reached the buildings he shot a web and swung whooping as he did so.

Peter swung from the buildings whooping, hollering, and yipping as he did so, enjoying the feeling of swinging through the air, it felt like flying, he felt free.

"What've ya got for me today, New York?" he said to himself ready, for whatever crime that was in store for him. He'd take any crime, he was extremely bored. Just then Peter heard the police scanner that he built into his mask report something.

"All units-All units this is a 10-20, Armed suspects have stolen an Oscorp truck carrying hazardous plutonium, vehicle is traveling down 9th avenue, Lead Suspect identified as Aleksei O'hern, Repeat Lead suspect identified as Aleksei O'hern, Requesting back up, over." Peter smiled pleased that he finally had some action.

"Alright, let's get to work," he said, beginning to swing toward 9th avenue.

Peter swung following the sound of the sirens, and crashing sounds. He looked down to see a semi truck with the Oscorp symbol on the side of the trailer. The truck crashed into police cars, and other vehicles like they were nothing. There were at least 10 police cars, in pursuit of the semi. 5 big(tall and muscular) men in all black, carrying machine guns, and rifles ran on top of the trailer. 3 of the men stopped and fired his machine gun at the police officers, causing some to lose control, and tumble onto the curb, the last 2 used some sort of device to make hole in the roof of the trailer, and all three men jumped in. Peter moved as fast as he could, swinging toward the front of the truck.

He swung low passing the astonished civilians yelling out "Hello Pedestrians!" as he swung past them. Finally he swung past all of the squad cars and trailer, and reached the front of the Semi.

Peter crawled to the driver's side door, and saw a bald, tall, muscular looking, bearded man in the driver's seat. Peter assumed that he was Aleksei O'hern. He was wearing a gray hoodie, and black pants, and on the passenger seat was a big machine gun. (AN:MG36).

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