Chapter 5

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AN: So yeah I decided to post chapter 5 a few days earlier than I said, so here ya go. But chapter 6 will be coming on Monday

Peter POV

1 week later


Peter sat at his desk in detention scribbling pictures of Spider-Man, not knowing what else to do since he finished all of his homework.

He hated, and sorta loved having detention at the moment, he's been able to finish his homework quicker, so he just had to eat dinner when he got home, and then he'd be able to go out patrolling

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He hated, and sorta loved having detention at the moment, he's been able to finish his homework quicker, so he just had to eat dinner when he got home, and then he'd be able to go out patrolling. May's rules were kind of annoying, but if it's what made her comfortable with Peter's "nightly activities", he was willing to follow her rules. Since curfew was 12:00 PM he was able to patrol just as long as usual, which was 8 hours. Although sometimes he'd have to hang back longer for decathlon practice, or detention, which he was now in.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Since he didn't have Tony's tech suit anymore, he wasn't able to change into his suit as quickly as he could before, so he had to wear his new suit under his clothes and shoes. It wasn't horrible. He just had to make sure that he didn't let any of his suit peek out through the bottom of his shirt, or the bottom of his jeans, and he was also a little hot. Which wouldn't be so bad since it is fall and winter is coming it might make him feel a little warmer.

He was about to color in the webbing in his picture, when he heard a "psst" from the right of him. He turned his head to see a familiar loner, Michelle Jones. She held her notebook up showing him the picture she drew of him with a dumb look on his face.

She smiled mischievously, looking very pleased with herself

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She smiled mischievously, looking very pleased with herself. Peter smiled a little bit annoyed, he put up his hand, and flipped her off. She let out a small laugh, returning his middle finger. It was the first time Peter had ever seen her laugh. He didn't know why, but it made him feel really happy knowing that he was the one who caused it. He laughed back quietly.

He still didn't feel comfortable calling her MJ, since she said that, only her friends call her that, and he didn't know if they were officially friends. The only time they ever talked was during decathlon practice, or when she would eavesdrop on his and Ned's private conversations, where she would make rude sarcastic comments. Peter didn't have any problems with her of course, she was smart, funny, honest, talented, and kind of pretty, but she didn't seem to like him that much. He just wished he knew why. He suddenly got an idea.

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