Chapter 7: PORSCHE: -

Start from the beginning

"See you" Aat told Ohm and Ohm frowned and then smirked.

"Bye, Aat" Ohm said and then left.

"Well, we have to go, before we miss a period" Porschay said and dragged macau out with him. "Bye, P"

"Bye, don't skip again!" Porsche said when they left. "Aat, I saw that!"

"What?" Aat said.

"The way you looked at Ohm the doctor" Porsche smiled and Aat made a panicked expression.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I am straight" Aat said in a high-pitched voice.

"Hmm... sure you are" Porsche said and then got up. They both left through the front door and waved Fluke goodbye. Fluke however heard their entire conversation just now and was speechless.

"What.... The... fuck?" Fluke swore. Porsche and Aat didn't have classes today so they just drove home, it is a good thing they live right next to each other, but on the way home they were discussing a few things.

"We should go drinking" Aat suggested and Porsche thought about it. "I mean, you need it. After all you just lost a whole family"

"Haha, thanks bastard" Porsche shook his head with a smile and Aat continued laughing. "But yeah, I deserve that"

"Exactly, be selfish for once!" Aat said out loud.

"You know in the future I completely gave up drinking, and going to bars" Porsche said with a bit of sadness.

"What! Why? If you take away drinking and bars, there is literally no Porsche, no way, then you are defiantly not Porsche, what happened?" Aat was so concerned.

"I... I have gotten into a lot of shit while drinking" Porsche said. "I have to say I miss it, when Tem and Jom were at our house that is the first time I drank in a long time" Porsche said and Aat was very sad to hear.

"Why... change so much for that house and family, why erase yourself, the true Porsche?" Aat said. "Isn't that what Kinn loved about you?"

"Well, I couldn't be Porsche anymore... I was the boss of a mafia house Aat" Porsche said.

"What got you so in trouble?" Aat asked.

Porsche thought about it and laughed to himself. "Okay once on my first mission I was Kinns head bodyguard at the time and I drank a full tray of champagne, Kinn was literally getting assassinated and I was so drunk I fell asleep on him"

"Oh my god!" Aat said with a gasp. "Did you get in trouble for drinking on the job?"

"Not that time" Porsche said. "Then another time was I drank water, but it their were drugs in it so I got drunk"

"Yeah, you told me that story. With Vegas and then Kinn and then you had sex..." Aat said and Porsche glared at him. "Sorry, sorry continue"

"So, yeah. Another time, is when I was partying with Vegas" Porsche said and Aat shook his head.

"Can't believe Pete's man kissed you" Aat laughed and Porsche hit him while laughing himself.

"That's a very sensitive topic to Pete, don't mention it again" Porsche laughed. "There have been more incidents after that, that are even worse. Like once I almost had sex with a random guy thinking it was Kinn, and oh my god Kinn was furious he didn't talk to me for a week, eventually he came through"

"But still, I don't care about all those incidents... completely giving up things you love for that family, no way, that's not the Porsche I know. The Porsche I know wouldn't give a fuck what people say, he wouldn't at all care, not one bit!" Aat said and Porsche patted his friend while Aat was driving them home in his car.

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