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A different story.

Whirling the clock to set it back in 1995. There were no deaths just losses, irreparable ones, to the mind and body of a lover and a devout wife.

An individual story that might be unsettling to read for some fans.

Contains a lot of strong, positive and negative scenes encompassing all genres from happy, emotional, caring, loving to sad, regressive and violent. Don't expect things to go smoothly always here because they won't. There will be pain and trauma and manipulation and all too severe and extreme and story me hi poora buildup hoga uska so...

Feel uncomfortable. Feel free to stop going ahead.

A different perspective.

Might not relate to the show or might just do more than the actual show.

There was no seperation but traumas do exist - for a change equivocally on both sides this time - as the decision to stay back goes...

Warning to be served ahead of mature content everytime but it won't be too much, it'll just be to show the contrasts at some later point in the story.

Thus, reading at reader's discretion highly recommended as the story for a change portrays a different equation. So wherever it's found to be uncomforting do skip it after reading the pre-emptive warning.

Scenes would be covering a lot more regressive and dominating ways in which a woman is suppressed so this might deal with a lot of content which is more distressing and disturbing than the one that was shown in the early days of the Starplus show. So don't hope for a very positive setup with lovey dovey scenes and happiness spread around. NO. It's gonna be difficult to read and I know nobody wants to see Anupamaa suffer but guess that's what is the theme of the story.

Parallels would continue and several scenes of vivid genres would too to be a part of this book.

Yeah! Read that right! A book.

It's perception wasn't from this show instead it was a completely different story but it just blended so well with the show I started it out with this.

Read it more like a book or a story rather than a fanfiction and the need to relate to the actual characters to the ones you'll read here, I surmise, would suppress.

The antagonists could be more evil, worse, sick, ill- willed and preposterous.

The positive ones could be more positive, humble, ignorant, regressive, poltroon, naive and selfless.

Keep in mind the timeframe - Its 1995 of a typical Indian society.

Yeah! Now that's important because not every woman could MOVE ON like Anupamaa. That doesn't happen so well in Indian households.

The traumas and fears, that have started to creep into the lives of innocent souls, could be more triggering, more intensely fraught with fears. The story marks the beginning of it all.

In the process they might soothe each other or be an obstacle in each other's path of a tranquil life ? Would need to read to find out.

Relating to the ones there on the show might help in short run, as it's the story build-up, but would fiddle your mind more as you would find them taking unprecedented actions or using tactics unacceptable to the audience of the actual show who isn't willing to accept a different version.

Dialogues a humongous mix of English and Hindi.

The dialogues would be in English generally if Anupamaa or not-English-friendly characters aren't included in the scene. Rest all know English so they'll converse in that. Just to maintain relatability hindi is added here.

This is not a very touchy touchy romance like my other works but something more different and deep than that.

There are a lot of subtle nuances to love than touch - the care, the respect, the tickle in your ribs, the excitement, the fear, pain and a lot more - Would encompass it all.

So, don't expect a lot of romance in the initial phase. It's something more ethereal. And I bet you'd fall in love with it if you enjoy the entire frame of it and not just looking forward for romance to commence.

The story is very slow but then this is supposed to be this way to bring it out in its true spirit but hope it's engaging too.

This because it will be covering all the social and emotional aspects of marriage. What all a woman hopes before stepping into one and what all she leaves behind to step into it.

Sometimes there are no justifications or reason for these societal behaviour and regressive thinking but it just happens to be there ingrained deeply in the structure of society. So the narrative is not something that'll allow me to jump to love story and the happy phase. It'll take time - apparently a lot of it so have patience.

If you read till here. I am glad ❤️.


Hope it didn't sound quite rude, that were so not my intentions.🚪🧪 I Love You All!!

Kept the description so long because there won't be any in between commentary or justification of any act or scene in any of the chapters. So I thought of saying it all beforehand.

Initial chapters are for story buildup.

It's not a very positive story. It's FEMINIST DYSTOPIAN!

• Please do leave your precious vote 👇. I would love to see the silent readers as well.

You've been told.


varsha1_ Darling thankx for writing this about!! ❤️


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