She is now whispering. "Can I wake him up?!" She says, her voice filled with so much excitement.

Hyunjin nods, so she immediately stands up on the bed. Hyunjin feels a rush of fear at first, but he just lets her do her thing. She takes a couple smalls steps to him, before she literally jumps on top of him.

He grunts, eyes opening to look at her. He starts to smile when he realizes it's her, even though he was ready to go off on if it was Hyunjin or anybody else in the world.

"Wake up! Wake up! You're awake!" She says, plopping down on him. "Goodmorning Felix." She says, leaning down to smile directly in his face.

He smiles back at her, before reaching his arms out from under the covers to stretch. He rolls over on his side as he stretches his body out, causing Nabi to fumble over with him. She giggles, laying back down onto the bed as he finally wakes up. He looks the the door, where Hyunjin is standing.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead." He says in a sweet tone. "How do you like your coffee?" He asks.

"I don't drink coffee." Felix says as he yawns, sitting up on the bed. He stays under the blanket, considering he is quite cold. Nabi sits up as well, smiling. She is having a blast at this super random place, as every child would do.

"I guess I'm making you a smoothie then." Hyunjin says.

"They have the stuff to do that here?" Felix asks.

Hyunjin shrugs. "I saw a blender in the kitchen, so they have to have some kind of frozen fruits. If not I'll just look in the fridge for berries or something." He says, then looks to Nabi. "Would you like one?" He smiles.

She nods really fast, making herself dizzy. "Can you put nanas in it?"

"I'll see what I can find." Hyunjin smiles, then looks back at Felix again. "Should I take her with me so you can freshen up? Or at least change.." he says, eyes trailing down to the outfit Felix has had on for the past seventeen hours.

Felix sighs, dragging himself out of the covers and standing on his feet. "I'm going to take a shower, for sure, so yeah." He yawns yet again, then turns around to look at Nabi. "I'll see you in a bit, now go away." He says playfully.

She rolls her eyes, shocking Felix from the amount of attitude. "Okay bye." She says, crawling over to him. "Um. Help me down?" she makes grabby hands at him.

Felix giggles, since the bed isn't even that far off the ground. But regardless, he scoops her up and puts her on the ground— to which she runs over to Hyunjin. She tugs at his shirt, so he picks her up. They finally walk out the door with smiles on their faces.

Felix turns back around, picking up his phone which lays on the nightstand. He isn't surprised when he sees the missed calls, considering Hyunjin woke him up with that. He has a couple from Chan, and one from Jisung— so he does the right thing, and calls Jisung back.

He answers almost immediately. "Lee Felix."

However, it isn't his voice that speaks. Felix furrows his brows. "Chan? Why do you have Jisung's phone?"

"He doesn't." Jisung's voice speaks. "I'm right here."

"So am I!" A faint voice, which he recognizes as Minho, speaks up. "And Seungmin as well."

"Oh." Felix says, starting to walk into the bathroom. "Am I on speaker?" He asks.

"Mhm." Jisung says. "Hold up wait, can I FaceTime you? Are you.. naked or anything?"

Felix chuckles. "Well I will be in a couple minutes, but I can FaceTime yeah." He says. Jisung hums, and almost immediately he is getting a FaceTime call from the male. He presses the answer button and props his phone up.

The call connects, and Jisung's video is a bit laggy, but not so much where he can't see clearly where he is. Their are four men displayed, all jammed into a car. Chan is driving, Jisung is in the passenger, and Seungmin– as well as Minho, are in the backseat.

"Felix!" Jisung smiles, but it drops after he gets a good look at the younger.

Seungmin snorts. "You look like shit, what the hell?"

Minho hits him, even though he said what they all were thinking. Felix chuckles, as he pulls over the little toiletry bag he has in the bathroom. It isn't even his, it's one that was just laying around. He pulls out a toothbrush, and looks at it.

"I feel like shit." He says, and lifts the toothbrush up to the phone. "Is this used? Who's is this?"

Chan looks down to the phone, and shakes his head no. "That's a new one. I stocked the bathrooms with those little essential bags, in case people actually stayed there. No one has though, so you're good."

"How thoughtful." Minho teases from the back.

Chan lets out a deep sigh.

Felix chuckles, and takes the little ounce toothpaste bottle and squeezes out some on the toothbrush. He starts to brush his teeth, while Jisung explains that they are on the way over to bring some more stuff.

"I hope you don't mind," Jisung starts, smiling guiltlily. "But I raided your home, and took everything you might need. Chan told me you are going to be staying there until the case is solved, so I expect that to be a long while. I got—"

Felix spits out his toothpaste, rising his mouth out. "Wait, I'm staying here how long?" He asks abruptly.

Chan sighs, again. "I just need to stay until we have this under control. I don't know how long that might be, but it's not going to be long enough to literally move in." He eyes Jisung. "It's just protocol."

"Ugh." Felix groans. "I gotta go. I need to shower."

"Don't be mad." Minho says, finally speaking up from the backseat.

"Yeah." Seungmin chimes in. "At least you get to live in a big, wonderful house and not have to pay crazy bills for it." He says, shrugging like he just made a valuable point— and he did.

"I'm not mad." Felix denies, ignoring his last sentence however.

"Yeah whatever." Jisung says. "But bye, I love you. We are about twenty minutes away, so I will see you soon."

"Bye, love you." Felix says, hanging up the phone.

He lets out a long sigh. He is probably going to take more than twenty minutes, so he shoots a text to Hyunjin informing him that they are on their way. After he makes sure Hyunjin's aware, he strips down and gets ready to take a looooonng, hot shower.

The man next door || HyunlixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ