Hearing the stone door open, I quickly hide behind a pillar and stay silent, unsure of who the person was.


Our love was tragic. It was never meant to be.
Xavier was better than I could ever be. It was sad, honestly.
He was a masterpiece, just as anything that he creates with his paintbrush.
It hurt to know that this was goodbye.

My sister was the only thing keeping me grounded right now.
Without her, I would definitely be spiraling.
Protecting Wednesday and Xavier is my top priority.
I will never stop looking out for them.
If I am going to die, I want to live with no regrets, and be remembered. I don't want to be forgotten like my father, not having anyone show up to my funeral. I want to be someone people look up to. I want to change someone's life for the better for a change.
I don't discuss Xavier and I's fight with Wednesday, knowing she would also scold my outings to the woods.
She senses something's off, but doesn't mention it, which I appreciate.

"Let's go. Uncle Fester said to meet in the library." Wednesday says, motioning for me and Thing to follow.

What's wrong? Thing signs while Wednesday isn't looking.

"Tell you later." I whisper, making Wednesday turn to me.

"What was that?" She asks, leaning closer.

"Nothing." I fake a smile.

Scooping up Thing and placing him in my backpack, Wednesday and I rush downstairs to avoid our dorm monitors.

The stone door feels like it takes an eternity to open, giving me enough time to take Thing out my bag and onto my shoulder.

"Uncle Fester?" I call out, searching the empty library.

"Who's uncle Fester?" My heart aches to the voice.

"What are you doing here?" Wednesday asks.

"We'll since I'm an actual nightshade I don't need to explain myself." His face is full of sorrow, dark circles already forming underneath his eyes.

I love him so much that it pains me to even look at him.

"We're investigating the monster." I somehow manage to say.

"Trust me, you won't find anything in here. I've already looked a million times." He says, now avoiding my eyes.

"How convenient for you." Wednesday mumbles, making me nudge her in annoyance.

We both know that Xavier isn't the monster. She just doesn't want to give up her case.

"Stop Wednesday. He's-" I say, but get cut off soon after by another voice.

"Inez. Don't. I don't need you to defend me. Thank you, though. Your sister doesn't know what her problem is." Xavier says, making me turn away from him.

"Enlighten me." Wednesday says, annoyed.

"You don't know who your friends are. I've been by your side since day one. I believed your theory's when nobody else did-" Xavier's voice fades as I stare at the wall.

The both of them just acted like I wasn't there, so why not actually not be there. If they were just going to ignore me, I didn't want to waste my time with their conversations.

"Because for whatever reason that I cannot fathom, you seem to like me." Wednesday's words break me from my trance.

She did not just go there.

"What's to like?" Xavier brushes past me, leaving the library in seconds.

She did. and he didn't deny it.

I scoff, stepping away from Wednesday silently.

"How long have you been lurking?" Wednesday asks, her voice paired with a pair of heavy footsteps.

"Long enough to feel the tension between you two. Yowza!" Fester says to Wednesday as I walk up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Wednesday asks in confusion.

"Anywhere but here." I say, annoyed.

"Wait!" Wednesday says, making me stop in my tracks.

"We still need Thing." She says, making my eye twitch uncontrollably.

"Of course." I say, lightly placing Thing on the stairs as I angrily escape that stupid library.

Wednesday already had Tyler. Why did she think that she needed Xavier wrapped around her finger too?

Everything was falling apart.

Sometimes, it feels like I protect her while she puts me in harms way intentionally. She can't seriously think that I wouldn't be upset by her liking Xavier. Does she even like him? Or does she just like the idea of hurting me through him?
I hate that I would still die for her right now, even after what she just implied.
I thought sisters were supposed to stick up for each other. Especially twin sisters.
Guess Wednesday never got the memo.

authors note:

sorry I had a few problems publishing

love you guy so so so much🫶🫶

stay, Inez  ~ xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now