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I wasn't tired. I'm fact, I was slightly avoiding sleeping. Instead, I played music in my headphones and watched Yoko sleep peacefully.
I was over joyed that she moved back in with me. I had missed her so much over the past few weeks. When I heard that she was moving back in, I literally screamed.
I wish I could go back and feel that rush of excitement.
Now, I couldn't even go to sleep.
I wish I was like Yoko, not have a care in the world.
I scroll on TikTok for about an hour, my headphones keeping Yoko from hearing the noise.
I had forgotten what it was like to be scared to sleep.
But here I was, afraid to fall asleep and wake up to that monster.
I just couldn't.
A familiar notification lights up my phone.


hey can I come over?
what? are you okay?
can I just come over?
sure just be quiet. yokos asleep.
Read 3:17 AM

Why would I agree to that?
What if he tries to hurt me?
Yoko's right next to me, I'll be fine.
Whatever, I'm bored anyways.
Maybe I could get some leads on the monster.

A light knock on my window wakes me out of my deep thoughts.
"That was quick." I smile, unlocking the window and opening it.
He doesn't return the smile.
Taking one look at him, I find out why he's here.
His eyes are red and puffy, and his shoulders are slumped. His hair falls over his face, attempting at hiding his terrified expression.
The red contrasts with the green in his eyes, making his eyes a mesmerizing shade of green.
"You had a nightmare, didn't you?" I sit down on my bed, motioning him over.
He sits down, laying his head down on the side of my bed.
"This one was so real. I just couldn't sleep after I woke up. I needed to see you." His voice is like a lullaby, instantly comforting me.
"What happened?" I ask, lightly placing my hand on his knee after noticing him bouncing his leg.
"I don't want to say." He mumbles.
"Come on. You didn't just come here to not tell me?" I push him to tell me.
"I came here to make sure you were okay." He says, lifting my hand and playing with my fingers.
"What?" I keep pushing him to tell me.
He looks at me uncomfortably, so I lay down beside him.
"Well you were in my dream. You've never been in my dreams." He says.
"So I'm the girl of your dreams?" I laugh, his hand still playing with mine.
He doesn't laugh. He just turns his head to look at me.
It's then when I realize how close we are. I could feel his breath on my neck.
At that moment, I stayed frozen, not wanting to move.
"It's not funny Inez. I'm being serious. I couldn't help you. I couldn't even move." His voice starts to break, not as calm as before.
Help me?
"What do you mean?" I hope this will be the last time I need to push for the answer.
He looks at me, gripping my hand tighter.
Whatever dream he had really shook him, I'd never seen him this scared.
"You were in the woods. Alone. And then it was there. And" He stops mid sentence.
"It?" I ask.
"The monster." He keeps his eyes locked in mine, his soft gaze scaring me.
"Xavier. Just tell me. What happened?" I sit up.
He locks his hand in mine, squeezing it softly, as if he were making sure I was actually there.
"It attacked you. Again. And I just stood there. I thought it was real. It was so real. And I just watched you bleed on the forest floor. And I couldn't do anything." His thumb lightly brushes my hand.
My face drops.
"Your dreams. They shadow the future don't they?" I say, now scared.
"Yes. But maybe that one was just a normal nightmare. Or maybe you could make it not happen. If you just stay out of the woods, it can never happen." He sits up to face me.
I hate that ugly bitch faced monster.
I hate that it wants me to live in fear.
Not a chance.
I refuse to lose any more sleep over this.
"Inez. You okay? Promise me you won't go to the woods." He says, waving his hand in front of my face.
"Please." He pleads, taking my other hand into his.
"Promise." I say, looking at him.
Of course, I was lying. I'm not going to stay away from the woods just because of a stupid dream.
He pulls me into a tight hug, making me flinch.
My suspicions had been proved wrong.
The touch of his hand proved to me that he wouldn't ever hurt me. His worries proved that he cared. He could never be the monster. Not a chance.
We stayed there, in that position for an eternity, both of us not moving.
I feel myself drifting off to sleep, resting my head on his shoulder.
His hair blinds me, covering my face like a pillow.
"Could I maybe stay here for the night?" He whispers into my neck, waking me up.
"Of course." I smile, laying under my blanket, patting the spot beside me.
He slowly climbs in, making sure to keep some space between us.
I reach out for his hand, holding it softly between us.
"Night." I whisper as I fall asleep.
"Goodnight, Inez." He says lowly, putting me right to sleep.

stay, Inez  ~ xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now