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Wednesday and I run side by side through the woods, searching for Eugene.
I have to hold up my dress so I don't trip.
My legs begin to burn, not usually used to run.

God. I need to get into shape.

"Inez! Over here!" I hear Eugene yell from a distance.

We split up, searching everywhere for Eugene.

Finally, I find Eugene, laying directly in front of the monster.

Just then, I tripped on a large rock. Feeling my leg snap, I cannot help but scream in pain.

"Eugene!" I scream, lifting his body up and away from the monster.

I use my powers to lightly place him on his feet, before I feel a sharp pain in my chest.

"Run! Go get Wednesday!" I yell to Eugene as he retreats.

I look down, my hands covered in a mixture of red paint and my own blood.
Tasting the familiar taste of metal, I fall into a coughing fit, blood spewing out of my mouth.

"Wednesday! Shes over here!" I hear Eugene yell.

"Inez!" Wednesday says, running and sitting beside me.

"Go get Miss Thornhill." Wednesday instructs Eugene.

"Shit, Day. My dress is ruined." I laugh, propping my head up against a nearby tree.

Wednesday's cheeks glimmer, tears washing away the red paint.

I fight to keep my eyes open, keeping pressure atop my chest.

"Oh my god! Is she alive?" Miss Thornhill asks as my vision goes dark.

At least I'll get some sleep now.

I shuffle around my bed, pulling my blankets up to my face.
Who turned down the thermostat?

I begin to open my eyes, quickly being blinded by all the white in the room.

"Hello Miss Fallon. Happy to see you've woken up. You've been in a coma. I'm going check your vitals, then I will have someone alert your family that you've awakened."

A coma?

"Can you turn the lights off? It's too bright." I plead.

Seeing the room go darker, I open my eyes again, quickly noticing my leg propped up in the air, covered in bandages.
I decide to rest my eyes again, not having the energy to keep them open.

A voice wakes me up, standing just outside my hospital room.

"Miss, you don't seem to be on her list of family members. I'm afraid i cannot let you in."

"Doctor, I am her Principal. I am the one her father put in charge of her when he died. She is an orphan and doesn't have any other relatives." A woman's voice says in a hushed tone.

"Oh. Of course! I'm sorry for the confusion Miss."

I open my eyes again, greeted by a tall blonde woman in red lipstick.

"Glad to see you've woken up. I know Wednesday will be ecstatic to hear the news. She visits you everyday." The woman says.

Confusion rushes through my body, but I quickly drift back to sleep.

When my vision finally returns, I am surrounded by people I do not know.
Two girls stare at me from across the room, while a boy holds my hand beside me.

I look at the boy with confusion.
My brain takes a few seconds to process what I am seeing, completely confused

I spring back in confusion, but let out a groan when I notice the bandages wrapped around my chest.

What did the doctor mean by a coma? Who were these people?

"Get the hell away from me? What's wrong with you?" I say, pulling my hand away from the boy beside me.

"Inez. Are you okay?" He says, looking hurt.

"Who the hell are you people?" I say, defensively.

"It's me, Xavier? And Wednesday and Yoko." The boy says, looking worried.

"I don't know who you are, and to be honest, I don't really care. I just want to go home." I say, looking around for the doctor.

Many emotions flash through his eyes, not sure what to say next.
The two girls stay silent, looking shocked.

"You live at Nevermore? Remember? We go to school there." The boy says, trying to get me to remember.

"Stop. I don't need you to tell me about myself. I need the doctor, I need to get out of here." I say, looking for anyone to save me from this psycho.

"Lets get the doctor. She doesn't look too good." The girl in glasses says, dragging the others out of the room.

"What is your name?" The doctor asks me.

"You think I don't know my own name?" I laugh.

"I'm ... um"

A sharp pain hits my head as I try to remember.

Who am I?

" Memory loss. It's very common in circumstances like this. She should get most of her memories back within a week or two." The doctor says.

Again, I shut my eyes, hoping for this all to be a dream, for me to wake up and be with my family, if I even have one.

I wake up again, this time alone, not a person in sight.
I inspect the room, filled with 'Get well soon' cards and 'Wish you were here!' captions to pictures.

The doctor said I was out for almost two weeks, so I guess lots of people were worried?
Stuffed animals, candy, chips, books, balloons. Basically any gift you could imagine was sitting in this dusty room.
While looking at the cards, I noticed something peeking behind one of my balloons.

"Oh my god. Whose hand is that?" I ask, but quickly remember I was alone.

The appendage approaches my bed, jumping up and sitting beside me.

Don't worry. I'm your friend. Even if you cant remember me The hand signs

"Okay..." I say, not really sure what to say to that.

I feel a weird sense of connection to the hand, almost as if it was family.

Just before I could say something else, the blond woman returned with a big smile on her face.

"The doctor said you could return to school tonight! He said you were doing very well considering what you've been through. Of course, you'll have to change those bandages daily, and you'll have to wear that cast on your leg for the next couple of months, but that's about it." She says, excitedly.

"Great." I say with a fake smile.

What could go wrong?

stay, Inez  ~ xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now