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Standing in the woods, I whip my head around, confused.
Why am I here?
I look around frantically, looking for anyone.
The forest floor is covered in fog, like the clouds had lowered to my feet.
"Hello? Wednesday? Is anybody there?" I say, the woods slightly unsettling me.
A twig snaps behind me, making me look quickly.
Oddly enough, nobody was there, so I return my head back to looking forward.
This time though, I am met face to face with the same pale girl from my vision.
"Oh my god your going to give me a heart attack. You me never told me who you are." I say, my heart pounding.
"You know me well. Violet Addams. My cousin, Goody Addams, killed Joseph Crackstone. I am your relative." She says, looking up at me.
Finally getting a chance to look at the girl, she does look a bit like me, her braids extenuating her sharp jawline. I also notice her clothing, burnt and dirty.
"Well nice to meet you Violet, but what happened to you? Why are you in my visions?And why are your clothes so dirty?" I ask, confused.
"The day that I died, Crackstone, along with the other villagers, chained me and my family to the barn floors, then set it afire, only Goody escaping. Now I am forever trapped in a child's body, the state of my body at the time of my passing." She says sorrowfully.
"Why am I here?" I ask, still looking around a little.
"I came to warn you once again. Something is coming. Something big. My cousin will try to help you, but be warned, Goody will do anything to get revenge. She is a raven after all." Violet says.
"What's coming? Violet?" I turn back to see nothing but mist, leaving me alone once again.
As expected, I didn't wake up for a few more minutes, instead I sat on the forest floor and looked at the trees.
This would be peaceful if I wasn't trapped in a vision.

I wake up still shaken by Violet's warning.
What did she mean by something was coming? And how could my dead relative from 200 years ago help us?
Checking my phone, the time is 6:30. Oh, my birthday.
I never really liked birthdays. My mother was gone, and my father was always at work. I never held it against him, though. I wouldn't want to spend time with myself either. And I always thought he loved me. I just assumed being around me hurt, being my mother's child. Now I don't know why he never spent much time with me. No birthday parties or birthday cakes, not even a 'happy birthday' from my dad. Now that I know he wasn't even my biological father, it makes more sense.
I don't think I ever told anyone about my birthday, the whole idea of celebrating getting older disgusts me.
I had to get ready for school. Putting on my uniform, I turn to wake up Yoko, but she's already up.
"Good morning sleepyhead." She says, doing her homework on her bed.
"How long have you been up?" I ask.
"Vampire, remember? Besides, I saw you were twitching in your sleep, I wanted to make sure you were okay." She says with a smile.
"You didn't have to do that. And I'm fine. Just a bad dream." I reply, putting my headphones on.
She smiles as I walk outside for a breath of fresh air.
Maybe Wednesday knows what Violet was talking about?
I didn't want to wake Wednesday and Enid, so I just went back out to the woods.
Even when it feels like the whole world is changing, my tree stays the same, always kept the way I left it.
Crawling back inside, I'm instantly comforted.
The tree has power over me, like a force of warmth, or a hug from a loved one.
I take off my headphones and lean into the tree, enjoying the silence.
The birds chirp lightly, and the mist on the floor slowly disappears, gone with the night.
It feels that every time I get comfortable, someone breaks my silence, hearing someone walking in the distance.
Who is walking around the woods at 7am?
I hide in the tree, peeking my head out slightly.
Miss Thornhill.
I'm not supposed to be out here. Of course, my dorm mom came out to get me.
Maybe she'll just walk past and not see me, but to my luck, I sneeze as she is almost gone.
"Hello?" She asks, confused.
"Listen, I'm sorry. I know it's dorm time right now but I just wanted to go out for a walk." I lie.
"Inez! You scared me. That's fine sweetie, but let's go back inside. It's cold." She says, looking around frantically.
Who else would I be?
I follow her back to the dorms, stopping at Wednesday's dorm. It's late enough that she can't get mad for waking her up.
I open the door, but to my surprise, Enid isn't there. Wednesday is typing on her loud typewriter, the key clacking noise echoing around the room.
"Enid?" She says, turning around.
"Nope." I smile.
Wednesday is already dressed for school, breakfast starting in half an hour.
"I had another vision last night." I get straight to the point.
"What? About what?" She says, stopping her typing and turning to me.
"Goody Addams' cousin, Violet Addams, warned me. She seemed really adamant that something was coming, and that Goody would do anything for revenge. I don't know what any of it meant though." I say, lying down on Wednesday's bed.
"Mother said that too. Warned me of Goody's drive for revenge. Apparently I'm a raven." She says, crossing her arms.
"Does that mean your a visionary too?" She asks.
"Two visions hardly makes me a visionary. Besides, I thought you could only have one power. Mine is obviously telekinesis." I say, lifting up Wednesday on her chair in the air to show her.
"I know that but still. Your different. There's something special about you, I just can't tell what." She says, monotony.
Her words make me blush. Nobody has ever talked to me like this. Like I was the world, the center of their universe.
Noticing my sudden silence, Wednesday also becomes quiet, not knowing what to say.
"Time for breakfast." She says, standing up and opening the door for me.
"Thanks twin." I joke, walking out the door arm in arm with Wednesday.

We ate in silence, the quad mostly empty.
"Where is everyone?" I ask.
"Probably just slept past their alarms." Wednesday says.
"Everyone?" I say, in disbelief of the amount of people in the quad.
All my friends were nowhere to be found, only seeing a few freshman.
Wednesday just shrugs, not really caring.
The bell rings, making me even more worried for my friends.
What if everyone gets a late slip? Or detention?

Walking into math class, everyone was already sitting in their seats, staring at me like I was the late one.
The rest of the day was normal, everyone acting as if they hadn't all been gone at breakfast today.
I sit down next to Yoko during lunch, many kids joining us.
Everyone was smiling a cheeky grin, which was slightly unsettling.
"Where we're all of you this morning?" I ask.
"I overslept." Ajax says.
"My alarm didn't go off." Divina says.
The whole table comes up with excuses, including Bianca.
"I had to take a shower and I woke up late." Bianca says.
I give them all a weird look, each returning me that weird grin.
"You guys are weird. I'm skipping next block, don't try to find me." I say, standing up.
"Bye!" They all say in unison, freaking me out.

I just walk back to the tree, grabbing my headphones I had forgotten earlier.
I tried walking back to class, maybe I could just say i had forgotten something in my dorm or something, but of course, the tree called for me, it's wood yearning for my touch.
I decided to rest my feet for a few minutes, sitting back inside the tree.
It was almost like I was talking to the forest at that moment, almost feeling the emotions of the plants and animals.
I could feel the deer running by, or the birds flying overhead.
Checking the time, I realize it has been almost an hour.
The woods are like a time loop, making you never want to leave.
Deciding to head back to campous, I see a group of kids running around and laughing.
I hide behind a tree and quickly recognize the group.
Enid, Ajax, Bianca, Divina, Yoko, Xavier, Kent.
Of course they're hanging out without me. That's probably what they we're doing this morning too.
I just go back to class, saying that I had forgotten my homework. Miss Thornhill believed me, letting me off with a warning.
Wednesday gives me a weird look as she looks around at the empty seats.
What? She mouths to me.
I don't know I reply.
Whatever, if they wanted to hang out with me that much then they should have just said it.

Authors note:
Filler chapter
Sorry for not updating yesterday :)

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