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It was only after I got back to my dorm that I realized I had forgotten to give Xavier's jacket back. It was only a zip up, so he would definitely be able to go until tomorrow without it. I took a hot shower, then changed into my comfiest sweats. I decided to skip dinner, not being able to build up my appetite. I just sat there, on my bed for hours. I didn't really know how much time had gone by, feeling numb the whole time.
Why would I want powers if they did nothing but hurt innocent people?

I lay there, not sleeping, just laying.
How could I sleep knowing what I did to Rowan?

I hear the faint footsteps walking through the halls. I'm guessing it's past curfew now, not that that mattered.
Then, a pair of footsteps gets louder, obviously walking towards my door.
I hear crying. It's a hysterical cry, unlike anything I had ever heard before.
There was only one person who could create such a noise.
I get up and lock the door. I could have just used my telekinesis, but I feel too disgusted with myself to use my powers as a shortcut.
"Inez. Let me in." Enid cries.
"I know your in there! I just need someone to talk to." She pleads.
Her voice filled with absolute despair, I open the door.
Enid immediately jumps on me, crying into my shoulder.
"Ajax stood me up." She cries.

"He did what?" I say, ready to throw some punches.

"I waited for almost an hour. He didn't show."

Normally, I would have gone and killed Ajax, but Enid definitely needed a friend more than a protector right now.

Enid and I sit on my bed for almost an hour, her talking, me listening. She finally calms down enough for me to send her back to her dorm.

Her leaving me alone gave my thoughts an opening to attack me again.

I wish I had just been normal.

Neither of my parents were outcasts, it should be impossible for me to have powers.

For the first time, I don't feel grief for my dad right now.

I don't feel pain from my head anymore, nor my wrists.

I don't feel scared, happy, excited, alone, or sad.

I don't feel anything.

I haven't been this numb since Dad died.

I don't sleep, I don't deserve such a luxury.

In the morning, Wednesday walks into my room, not even knocking.

"Come with me. We are going to the morgue." She says, dragging me out of bed.

"Not now Day." I reply, firmly.

It was only then when Wednesday turned and saw the dark bags underneath my eyes.

"What's wrong?" She asks blankly.

"I just don't want to be a part of this anymore. I'm useless in your investigation. All I do is wreak havoc." I say, laying back into my now cold bed.

"You are useful. Right, Thing?" Wednesday says, Thing agreeing.

"I killed someone the other day. Does that not occur to you? I should be in jail right now." I say, turning away from Wednesday.

"You didn't do it on purpose Nez. Besides, you saved my life. It was him or me Inez." Wednesday says, trying to cheer me up.

"That wasn't my choice to make." I say, closing my eyes, hoping that when I reopened them, Wednesday would be gone.

"We don't have time for this. I'll talk to you later." She says, leaving my dorm.

I changed into my uniform, leaving my dorm for classes.

My classes didnt start for about an hour, so I decided to sit in one of my favorite spots on campus.

I had found the spot the day Xavier and I had broken up, after fencing class.

It was a tree with a hollowed out middle, that was perfect for sitting in.

When I had first found it, I assumed it would be filled with all types of spiders and other critters.

To my surprise, it was completely insect free, almost like it was made for sitting in.

I pulled out my headphones, and turned the volume up as loud as i could.

I had a feeling so peculiar, that this pain would be for evermore plays from my headphones loudly.

"Hey. What are you doing out here?"

Someone cuts the silence.

I open my eyes slowly, seeing Xavier, paint splattered all over his uniform.

I move my headphones down onto my neck.

"Its the only place on campus where you can hear yourself think. I'll get you your jacket back now." I say, standing up and walking away.

"Wait. That's okay, you can keep it." He says, catching up with me.

I dont really have the energy to argue, so I just quickly thank him.

"Want me to walk you to class?" He says, jogging to keep up.
"Sure." I say, still walking.
"What were you doing out there?" I ask.
"Painting." He says, gesturing towards his paint covered clothes.
"Here we are." I say, walking into Miss Thornhill's class.
Class begins, Xavier turning back and looking at me multiple times.
I do not care to pay attention to Miss Thornhill's instructions, because we were just looking at flowers.
Instead, I take this time to observe her classroom.

When I was in elementary school, I went through a plant phase, making my dad buy me all posters and books on plants. He would do anything to keep me distracted.
This gave me an advantage in Thornhill's class, knowing most of the plants she teaches us about.

The first few plants I see are very common, like weeds and daisies, but hidden behind them were pots of very unique plants.
I took a closer look, immediately recognizing a few of the peculiar plants.
Manchineel, wolfsbane, oleanders...
These were some of the most poisonous plants on the planet.
What would a school teacher be doing with not only poisonous but also extremely rare plants?

"Helloo?" Someone snaps their fingers in front of my face.
"Did you hear what I said?" Xavier asks.
I shake my head no.
"Oh. Okay. That's fine it wasn't important anyways." He says, fidgeting with his hair.
"Okay. Got to get to my next class. Bye." I say, walking out of the door.

Instead of going to class, I go back to the tree.
It's not like Weems could expel me for skipping a few classes, and even if she did, I don't have a home to go back to.
I sit in my little nook, letting the silence engulf me in its cold embrace.

authors note:
I'll probably update again tonight, but don't count on it
This is kind of just a filler chapter
Also sorry I just had to sneak some Taylor swift lyrics in here
Thank you for reading🫶🫶

stay, Inez  ~ xavier thorpeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ