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I awake from my death like state with bloodshot eyes and dark bags underneath my eyes. I only had a few hours of sleep last night, spending almost every second wondering if he ever showed any signs that he was cheating. Every movement he made last night was so sure, as if he forgot he even cheated on me minutes before. How long had it been going on? Did he still love me? Did he ever love me? Does he even feel guilty?
I played out many scenarios in my head, to try to find reasons to why he cheated, but I was to no avail. As I check my phone for the time, I am greeted with what seems like a hundred texts from Enid. Shit. How could I forget to set my alarm? I rushed to get ready, throwing my hair up in a clip and putting on my uniform. By the time I reached the quad, I realized that I was already too late, and Enid was already showing the new girl around.

"Hey Enid! Sorry I'm late." I say apologetically. Enid just gives me a side eye while she continues to converse with the ebony haired girl.

"This is Inez Fallon, she was your planned tour guide, but she was obviously very busy." I take my hand out to shake the girl's hand, but she quickly steps backwards, making me send her a confused face.

"You must be Wednesday Addams. It's nice to meet you." I say confidently.

"Are you just going to stand there and stare at me or are we going to continue this meaningless tour? This is beginning to cut into my writing time." Wednesday says monotony.

"Right, right. I can take over from here Enid. " I say guiding Wednesday back into the crowded hallways. Thank you Enid mouths to me while the new girl and I disappear into the crowd.

"I feel as if we have already met, Inez" I hear Wednesday say as we enter the cafeteria.

"That's odd. I think i would remember seeing a girl who's in black and white." I say in a hushed tone.

"I'm sure Enid already gave you the breakdown of the groups of outcasts here, so I won't waste your writing time with that. Other than the classrooms themselves, I'm sure I walked you to every end of this prison." I say jokingly. I turn to look at Wednesday, seeing the corner of her lip tug in an upwards motion. When she sees me turn to her, she quickly returns to her emotionless state.
"Thank you for the captivating tour of this marvelous institute. I will let you know when they post bail." Wednesday says with a little sarcasm in her tone. I smile as I open Wednesday's dorm door.
"Goodbye, Inez"

After hearing the door shut, I turn to walk to my classes, but quickly realize that I haven't eaten anything yet today. I find my way back to the cafeteria and grab an apple. While walking around the school grounds for a place to sit, I feel two soft hands grab onto my waist and twirl me around to face them. I look up to see none other than my cheating boyfriend.

"Morning Nez" He says leaning down for a kiss. I quickly dodge his attempt.

"Hi" I say looking down at my feet.

"Still sick, remember?" I say trying to explain my sudden movement.

"I don't care about getting sick" He says grinning, and shooting for another kiss, which i obviously deflect.
He looks hurt, but I don't care, after all, he was the one who cheated, not me. I begin to walk away, but he follows me like a lost puppy. I walk in silence, waiting for him to say something.

"Your mad. I have no idea why, but you definitely are." Xavier says as if I was the one in the wrong.

"I think this was a mistake." I say, continuing my quick pace, but my words affect Xavier, making him slow down to process my words.

"This isn't working out. You and I are too different. I think it would be best if we took a break."
I can feel my tears building up as I turn to look him in the eyes.

"What?" He says, voice quaking with sadness. If I didn't see him cheat with my own eyes, I would have caved to his acting a long time ago.

"You heard me." I say.

The tears in my eyes are gone now, replaced by pure rage. I quickly speed walk to the girls dorms, looking for Yoko. When I finally find her, she's sitting with Enid and Divina. I pull her away from the two and immediately begin to sob into her shoulder.

"We broke up."

As i stand there crying into Yoko's shoulder, I quickly remember our fight last semester.
How she was talking behind my back about my parents, or lack thereof, and when I confronted her, she denied it despite the videos of her.
I jumped back, still teary eyed.

"What? What happened? Did he break up with you? If he broke up with you I'm going to murd-" I cut her off.

"I broke up with him. He cheated on me with Bianca." I say in a hushed tone to avoid people overhearing.
I hear Enid gasp while she stares at me with apologetic eyes.

"How did she hear me? We are literally like fifty feet away from her" I say laughing through the tears.

Yoko quickly replies saying, "Wolf powers I guess."

I turn to Yoko, then back to Enid. My location suddenly doesn't feel too comfortable after I see the majority of the girls staring.

"I have to get ready for class" I mumble while walking into the bathroom to freshen up.

The cheap paper towels at Nevermore have never been good for anything, but they are definitely not good for cleaning up your face.
The paper scratches and scrapes against your skin like sand paper.
While trying to wipe away at my face, one of the stalls clicks open, and a girl walks out. I do not even bother looking up, more focused on my bloodshot eyes than bathroom small talk.

"Aw. Look who it is. Little miss loner is sobbing in the bathroom." I could tell who that voice immediately. Bianca Barclay.

"I see you still make like making pathetic attempts at hurting my feelings Bianca. Some things never change." I say walking out and into my fencing class.

Luckily, I share a class with Wednesday, who I am hoping to become closer to. Although I do not know why, I feel connected to the dark haired girl.
Unfortunately, I also share a fencing class with Xavier. I walked in with my head held high, quickly walking to the pinboard to see this weeks sparring partners.

Please be Wednesday. Please don't be Xavier. My finger stops when I finally see my name next to... Rowan.
I could work with that I think while turning to find Rowan.
For a single second, Xavier and I meet eyes, but he quickly looks away, looking heartbroken.
He should have thought it through. What did he think? That I would never find out?

I finally find Rowan.
Last semester, I would have worried about being partners with Rowan, due to his closeness with Xavier, but I know they barely talk anymore, so Rowan probably didn't even know we were dating in the first place.

"En garde " I say, quickly dodging Rowan's feeble attempts at beating me.

I immediately destroy my opponent, leaving him to fetch some water. Rowan then moves onto a match with Bianca.

He could not think he had a chance against Bianca of all people.

Just then, Wednesday walks in with a black fencing outfit on.

Since when was black an option?

In the blink of an eye, Rowan is on the floor, and Bianca is challenging the rest of the class. Just before I volunteered myself, someone else beat me to it. Wednesday.
The match was tough, but in the end, Bianca won 2-1. Wednesday walked out with a cut on her forehead.
I insisted on her going to the nurse to patch it up.
Walking in, my eyes land on Rowan, who was sitting in a chair across the room.

"Guess you beat us here." I say to Rowan.

When he looked up, I swear I could see a glimpse of fear towards Wednesday. He also shot me a look which I assume was a warning of the ebony haired girl next to me.
I sent him a reassuring look, as he rushed out puffing his inhaler.

"What a weird kid." Wednesday says.

Authors note:
I have to stop coming back and editing my chapters... it's becoming a problem

this chapter is also pretty bad but so are the rest so.. i'll probably heavily edit this tomorrow but that's fine

love you guys💟💟

stay, Inez  ~ xavier thorpeWhere stories live. Discover now