Thirteen - Unexpected Words

Start from the beginning


The next morning I wake up early. Considering I went to sleep at 8pm, I still managed a full twelve-hour sleep but it still felt like five minutes. I drag myself into the kitchen and pour myself a bowl of fruit loops, I'm feeling better but I still ache for a proper meal. I might go out to lunch today but it's just not the same, all I've been doing is eating at restaurants and cafes. I want a home cooked meal from my mum. That's probably something I should've asked her to teach me before I left. I should've asked her to teach me how to cook.

The fruit loops are old so they don't taste very nice in my mouth. I guess I'll have to go food shopping today as well. I pick up my phone and send of a tweet, 'First day off and what am I gonna do? Food shopping! What fun!'

I reply to a few tweets whilst I finish my breakfast. Just before I'm about to hop in the shower, I get a text from Wes 'I'm coming over! See you soon!'

I laugh and reply 'oh yeah cos I invited you and everything'

His reply is almost instant 'i have a day off, you have a day off it's perfect see you in a bit. Plus, you can't cook so I know you can't food shop either, I'll help'

'yeah whatevs the door is open I'm getting in the shower'

I drop my phone on my bed, unlock the door then go ahead to the shower. What I plan to be a ten-minute shower turns into a forty-minute shower. When I come out wrapped in only a towel, I'm hoping Wes isn't here yet because I don't look very presentable. My hopes are ignored and he's sitting on the couch, playing on his phone when I walk into the lounge. He looks at my towel ensemble and gives me a once over. Slowly and deliberately too. It makes me blush. I roll my eyes though to make it seem like I don't care, "Let me go get changed."

“I’m fine with the whole towel thing,” he says with a smirk.

I choose to ignore him and make my way back to my room. "So where are the boys today?” I ask him loud enough so he can hear.

I've just walked into my room when he answers. "Gone back down to Huntington."

That makes me back track. I walk back into the lounge to frown at him, "Why didn't you go back home you idiot? You didn't have to come hang with me."

He shrugs, "I wanted too."

His words make my stomach flip but I ignore him, "Wes I can survive on my own. This is like your only day off, you shoulda went home."

"This is your only day off, you shoulda went home." His eyebrows are raised in a ha-I-win way. 

"I have to grocery shop." I mumble pathetically.

"Why don't you wanna go home?"

I shrug, "I don't know, I never actually thought about it. I mean my parents will be at work and Finn will be at school and so will my friends. It doesn’t seem logical.”

He pauses a moment, obviously mulling it over in his head. I know he is from the expression on his face. He kind of frowns slightly and stares fixatedly at one spot for a while before snapping out of it when he's come to a conclusion. I don't think he realises he's doing. It's the only time I see him without a smile on his face. Well, I guess when he's angry too but I've never seen that side so I wouldn't know. When he's come to a decision, he looks back to me, a goofy grin on his face. "We can go down to yours and visit Finn and your friends in school and your parents in work then go to Huntington and stuff then on the way back we'll food shop. Sound good?"

"Sounds excellent." I say enthusiastically, the prospect of seeing everyone making me excited.

Wes chuckles at my bubbly mood before gesturing to me body, "Yeah I suggest you get dressed first."

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