Chapter 20

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Jukie makes a come back... lets go... 

Third person POV  

Now that they were officially together, they could now officially begin enjoying life together again.

They are now always holding hands, skipping down the streets of their city, going out on dates, and... other things..

They enjoy each other's presence in each other's lives.

Julie's mother's death anniversary is coming up soon, and that's put them both in a tight spot. They both want to go down to her grave, Rose was always like a mother to Luke.... Until that night. Then he could bare to do anything, except comfort Julie through her tough time.

They were not at the cemetery, standing over her tomb stone, tears slowly falling down both of their faces, with Julie's head rested ion Luke's chest, they both stand over rose, with neither of them daring to break the silence.

They had placed a bouquet of purple dahlias near her, Rose's favourite flower.

"Hey Luke?"

"Yeah Jules."

"Do you think you could give me and my mother some time?"

"Yeah, of course, I go wait in the car."

He smiles softly down at her, and kisses her on her forehead and wiping her tears away with his thumbs, before walking away.

"Hey mum. Its been a while. So uh, so much has happened since you left us. I got pregnant, and had a miscarriage, which im still silently still getting over. Yeah." She pauses, as if she was hoping for her mother to reply to her, "Luke and I started dating a few months ago, and it's going really well." She chuckles light to herself, "You remember how caught up on him I was when I was younger? Well, so was he, we both just never said anything. What am I doing? Youre not even hear to hear my cries, you probably can't even hear me."

She kneels down to pick at a few weeds, growing around the stone on the ground. "I wish you were here, I wish you held me tight one more time, and told me it was all going to be ok again. I miss you a lot, and I love you even more."

She stands back up, and wipes are her tears with the backs of her hands, "Luke told m ewhat happened. He told me about the accident. I don't know if I should bklame him for your death, or if I should blame nick for it... I've only half forgiven him, because he didn't tell me, but I can see why, but it would have been good to know before I started dating nick. We broke up, obviously, or otherwise I wouldn't be dating Luke right now."

"I really love him mum. I love him with all my heart. You might tell me some bullshit like, ' don't waste all your love on someone, that has broken your heart one to many times', but he's never broken my heart. He's the one I love, hes the one I need, hes the one I want. But he's waiting in the car now." She turns her head, and took at luke, leaning against the back of the car, watching her.

"I should go, Dad said he would be by here later, so did Carlos. I miss you mum, and I love you with all my heart. Ill see you on your birthday mum, goodbye."

She leans down, kisses her palm, and places that kiss onto the tombstone.

She stands back up straight, and slowly begins walking through the graves, she looks down at all the names. Blake Johnston, Henry Swift, Joeseph Moodie. The people she's walked past ever year, twice a year.

When she reaches Luke, he pushes himself off of the car, and walks towards her.

"You ok?"

"I will be. Thanks for being here."

"Of course Jules, it's the least I could do."

"So, where to now?" She asks him.

"Well, you need to eat something, so, your favroute little café."

"Perfect Harmony?"

"Of course."

"Best Latte's in town."

"Ok, you better take that back. Have you ever even been to sunset café?"

"No, and I never will."

"I will take you there one day."

"Ok, what ever you say Lukas."

"don't backchat me, Jukie."

"What did you call me?" she says with her hand on her heart, pretending to be offended.

"Jukie, Jukie, Jukie." He says teasingly.

"Oh come here." She says as she begins to run after him, and around the car park of the graveyard.

He keeps running around the car, then they are both on opposite sides of the boot of the car.

"Whats my name?" she questions him with a smile taking over her face.


"whats my name?"


"lets try this one more time. What is my name?"


"You little-"

And this time she walks to him, and hes not running away.

"Luke. Say it right, or, I will never go to Sunset Café."


"Was that so hard?"

"Oh, very hard."

She slaps him on the chest, before going to the passanger side door.

"Now, you promised me food."

He looks up and chuckles to himself, before walking to the drivers side, and unlocking the car.

My god, they really are in love with one another. 

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