Chapter 5

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(I do not own these characters)

Julies pov. 

"Why would you do that?" I ask him.

I stand up really quickly and I begin to back away until I'm backed up into the kitchen island. 

"Jules. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner. I would've, but I didn't want to loose you as my best friend" he says to me.

"Still.... you should've told me" 

Luke stands up and slowly walks up to me, cautiously. 

"No, stay away from me" I say to him as he stands 3 feet away from me.

"OK, I'll stay here" 

"Why would you do this? And how dose Nick know?"

"He was with me in the car when we..... we were best friends before you guys started dating. And I lost control of the car that night"  he tells me.

"So, that's all you got to say, no, 'I'm sorry for killing your mother'"

He looks at me. 

"Im sorry fo-"  

I cut him off before he can finish. "Don't say it now, you've missed your chance." 

I grab my things from the front door and yells out one last thing before I walk out.

"I never wanna see you again" is the last thing i say to him. 

i walk the long way home...

I don't want to talk to anyone, not even Nick. 

It take me another quoins before I arrive at home. 

I walk in the door and I see Nick and Carrie, kissing on MY COUCH 


Why dose everyone hate me??

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