"Well even if you didn't know about the relationship thing-"

"Wait wait this makes me think back...oh my- so Taehyung's comment wasn't innocent at all?! You three really..." I could see the red rush onto Jimin's cheeks as he cut off Jin staring at me in complete disbelief and slight dissapointment or sadness which I can't identify.

Wait what is he talking about-

"Yah! No we didn't do anything of that sort! I just told you we only kissed you weirdo! We already said nothing like that happened!" I shout back at Jimin feeling my cheeks heat up aswell remembering Taehyung's comments about what would have been expected if the three of us were in the room.

These people are weird these days...

I shake my head as Jimin apologizes and I turn back seeing Jin and Yoongi narrow their eyes on us before Yoongi sighs.

"I think I know what that was about but I'll just ignore it because assumptions haven't worked out the best for me so far so let's just get back to the original topic" We all agreed as Jin sends a small glare to Jimin making me wonder if he will talk later to him but that isn't my issue since I'm sure if I say something I will be dragged into it with the alcohol.

"Okay so I want to hear it clearly, you Jungkook and Taehyung...are like dating? Like a polygamous relationship? Both of them only dating you like a three person relationship but only dating you?" I blink at the words that need to process a bit in my mind as I figure out how to say it.

"Well I mean we haven't discussed it all really well but yes, I'm dating them both somehow. I still don't understand how they both switched to be relaxed about dating the same person but yeah." I nod slowly mentally slapping myself as it sounds slightly weird coming out of my mouth.

"Wow...I can't say I didn't expect it to be Jungkook or Taehyung but I never expected it to be both. They really are...okay with both of them dating you?" Jimin asked with a small frown and I nodded with a hum. It was, well still kinda is, something really unexpected but I can't argue with it since I really don't mind it...at all.

The three of them sit back almost stunned like as they look lost in thoughts while I play with my fingers with my nerves building in the silence. I don't know what to expect next really. I told them all what I know and the whole truth so I don't know if they will comment something about ending this or will accept it even though we still need to prepare for the meeting soon.

"The one time they excluded me is the one time I actually wanted to be part of something" Jimin huffs out pouting as he stares at me and I blink confused.

I might not be the brightest sometimes but he isn't saying what I think he is right?

"What?" Yoongi is the one that questions now causing Jimin to huff again before shaking his head bit then turning to me with pursed lips and a small frown.

"Don't take this in an insensitive way please but...do you have any feelings for any of the other members too including us?" He asked and I could feel my heart skip a beat at his question feeling slightly put on spot.

Aish...I really didn't expect all of this!

What should I say? I'm not sure...maybe? Yeah they all are attractive and have amazing personalities and make me feel at home and...

No wait a second

"W-well that wasn't a question I expected...um I can say I didn't think about any of this before last night honestly. I mean I didn't even realise I liked both of them like that before everything so I can't say for sure" I answered honestly but strangely their faces have a weird look as Jimin nods deep in thoughts.

I don't trust that face...

"So does that mean we can posssibly stand a chance?" I whip my head stunned at Yoongi who looks way to casual for all of this.

Okay did something change drastically the last few days or what because I didn't see this coming!"


"Okay I think we should stop the conversation right here for now before this gets too much without the others here" I release my breath as I thankfully stare at Jin who was my angel at this moment.

"But we will continue this later again"

I take it back...no angel

"Agreed, we especially need Jungkook and Taehyung here before saying anything else." The other two nod at Yoongi and I sigh not ready for what is coming from them.

I mean I didn't even expect Jimin or Yoongi to like me, much less Jin!

"They better get back soon because they need to suffer with me"

"Oh they will suffer 5 times more than you sweet Mei-ah believe me" Jin gives me a dazzling smile before it turns into a smirk. I can't help but internally laugh at that feeling slightly bad for them but then again yeah they deserve it.

"Okay so if we are done-" Jimin gets interrupted as all our phones dinged from a notification and we pulled out our phones. I unlock mine as I stare at the message and see it's from a new groupchat but freeze when reading it.

Namjoon: Just wanted to let everyone know that it's been officially arranged that we have next Saturday off so we can go see the researcher then and that we all are coming home now.

Namjoon: Oh and Jungmei we all need to talk about a little secret me and Hobi found out today from the two trouble makers so you three better be prepared!

I curse in my mind staring at the message not knowing which one should scare me more at this moment.

"Oh well...guess that solves one problem in telling Joon-hyung and Hobi-hyung" Jimin said and I sent him a small glare.

"This was like a double shoot of big news...you okay Jungmei? I know we keep switching from important things but it seems the time to find out more of the truth is getting closer" Jin's eyes soften and I feel my heart warm at his concern but I just nod not finding the words to express what my mind wants to say.

Wow Jungmei...stuck in relationship drama and now having to find out more of why and how I ended up here and probably find out of and possibly how to go back...

It can't get worse can it?

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