☆Chapter 28☆

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"J-Jungkook..." Namjoon stuttered while staring at him in disbelief. Jungkook slowly stalked forward again and looked between them all until his focus came onto mine. His eyes went wide seeing my pale face and he instantly ran up to me cupping my face in his hands.

A few gasps from the room could be heard and I grimaced knowing what would follow. I looked into his eyes as he slowly scanned my face to make sure I was okay until he pulled me into a tight hug sighing in relief.

He pulled back but still didn't let go as he frowned. "You are okay right? Ugh I knew I shouldn't have sent you out. Who touched you? Who kissed you?" He asked in a stern tone making me break eye-contact. I sigh shaking my head and taking my hand to cover my face.

"Jungkook...do you realise what is happening?" I whisper in a shaky voice looking up from my hand. He looks confused and slightly tilts his head until his eyes go wide and he instantly lets go of me. His hand flies to his mouth as he scanned the room.

Every single person except Taehyung looked shocked out of their minds. Jungkook slowly turned his head towards me with his jaw hanging. His face gave the 'I messed up didn't I' look.

"What the....t-two? Jungkook?!!"

"O-Okay everyone c-calm down please!" Taehyung tried to take the atrention of us but failed.

"Oh my- THIS IS WHAT YOU'VE BEEN HIDING!!" We all turned shocked at the outburst from Jin who was holding both hands on his face.

"I was right! I knew Jungkook looked way too much like a girl on some days! This explains it all! Oh my-"

"Wait wait back up! You thought this?! Also what do you mean girl?!" Namjoon was the next to burst out turning to Jin with a look of disbelief.

"First of all be smart the Jungkook that just entered called the Jungkook that was here 'her' so obviously she is a female Jungkook. Second of all, well what was I supposed to tell you all huh? Jungkook is a girl? Ha nobody would even take me up seriously! Also even though we all new their was something suspicious happening this was definitely not what you all thought was it?" After Jin said that it was like they all broke out and they all started ranting in about it, well everyone except Taehyung, Jungkook and I.

After a few minutes they still went on and I got confused as how they all forgot what the real issue was here. Suddenly it was like someone read my thoughts and yelled out. "GUYS!!" Yoongi shouted makimg them all silent and turn towards him.

Yoongi sighed rubbing his face and looked at me with an extremely confused and anxious face. "You all forgot about the two Jungkook's in the room! Well male and female..."

"Yeah and you just kissed the female one!" Jimin said nodding his head not knowing the weight of his words. My face heated up at the memory and I could feel myself shrink into muself trying to hide myself from the world. Everyone looked at him with wide eyes finally realising what he said.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Yoongi turn pale and his jaw dropped. A low growl came from Jungkook next to me making me scrunch up my face. Boy you ain't a animal why are you growling?! Oh oop-

His eyes squinted at him and I could see Yoongi gulp while looking between us both. Weird to see the switch in Yoongi being scared of Jungkook...huh...

I grab his sleeve before he moves to him and shake my head. "Kook calm down, we are already in trouble here we don't need more please." I whispered to him but it seemed me finally speaking my normal voice tone caught everyone's attention.

"Who is she?" Namjoon said first making Yoongi sigh in relief from Jungkook's who's focus now changed but he still seemed more curious to the answer I need to give.

Parallel You ||BTS✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon