☆Chapter 2☆

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~Taeyon pov~

-2 hours after Jungmei left-

"Ughhh...thanks a lot Jungmei..." I mumble rubbing my hand on my face.

"I can't go back to sleep~" I thrash around in my bed and kick of my blankets while throwing my pillows.

"Hey!" A raspy voice yelled at the other side of the room.

"I know you can't sleep but don't take it out on me too!" Jamie whined.

"Huh?" I look over to her side and see my pillows that I threw scattered on her bed.

"Oh...oops?" I offer her a sheepish smile.

"Why are you even awake?" Jamie rubs her eyes and lays back down with her eyes closed.

"Jungmei woke me up earlier because she wanted food."

"Oh? Hmmm what did you say to her?" Jamie

"Ummm..." I scratch my head trying to remember what I said.

"I told her there was no food and umm...to go buy some if she wanted to eat"

"Did she say who was going with her?" Jamie said sitting up straighter. Seems I woke her up like Jungmei did with me...

"Umm I think she went alone?"


"Yah! You sent her out alone in the middle of the night?!" Jamie frowned looking panicked.

"Relax Jamie, Jungmei is an adult. Even though we baby her, she is capable to do stuff on her own." I role my eyes and huff.

"Tae, I know she is an adult but she is also a famous idol! I doubt she told anyone else where she was going and I definitely doubt she took a bodyguard!" Jamie looked even more panicked and jumped up from her bed.

"U-Umm where are you going?" Guilt was building up in me but I tried to keep in buried down.

Nothing happened to Jungmei..right?..No I'm just over thinking...

"I'm going to check where she is...how long ago did she leave?" Jamie looked over her shoulder with her hand on the doorknob.

"I think about..."

I lean over to my desk to look at the time on my phone. "About 2 hours ago..."

"Then she should be back by now," Jamie mumbled opening the door.

~Jamie pov~

Please be here! Please be here!

I know I'm probably overreacting but I have an awful feeling in my heart and my anxiety levels are high. I quickly walk up to Jungmei'sroom and knock.

"Meimei? Are you still up?" I whisper opening the door slightly.

"Jungmei?" I open the door wider and turn on the light in her room. I glance around and see her bed still untouched. Is she still not back yet? Where did she go?

I could feel myself panic even more.

No no calm down Jamie...but why would she be out so long if almost everything is closed at this time?

"M-maybe in the kitchen?" Yeah she told Taeyon that she was hungry so maybe she is eating or making herself something to eat?

I hold onto the little piece of hope in my heart. I half run to the kitchen seeing the place untouched.

"Oh nonononono...." I rub my face trying to keep the panic at bay. Don't overthink it Jamie, maybe she took her time?

I nervously walk back to my shared room with Taeyon. Okay I need to hide how panicked I feel. Taeyon might feel guilty and I don't want her to worry...everthing is fine...

The moment I walked into our room I saw Taeyon look up with a concerned face.

Aish it seems she is already anxious...

"Jamie is she in her room?" Taeyon looked into my eyes with her eyes filled with hope of me saying yes.

"I...I think she's still out..."

Taeyon' s face falls and I can see that she feels the same awful feeling that something bad happened.

"Hey don't panic...we'll go search if she isn't back in an hour okay?"

"Hmmmm..." Taeyon looks down frowning.

"Should we wake up Namree or Seokmi to tell them?" Taeyon fiddles with her fingers avoiding looking up.

I'm not sure if we should tell them, I don't want more people to panic if nothing bad even happened...

"I'm sure she's just taking her-"

Before I could finish my sentence a crashing sound came from Namree's shared room with Seokmi. Taeyon and I jump at the sound but before we could go and investigate a heartwrenching scream.

Please don't tell be my bad feeling was right...

~Namree pov~
《Moments before》

*Buzzzzzz buzzzzzz*
"Hmmmm?" I slightly peak through my sleepy eyes trying to identify what woke me. While my eyes adjust from their blurry state, I sit up and rub my face. I look to my left to see Seokmi still peacefully asleep with her RJ plushy. I smile at the sight until the buzzing sound appeared again.

I look to my right and see my phone buzzing. I quickly pick it up to see who was calling at this time. I look at the ID caller, 💜🐰Meimei🐰💜

Jungmei? Why is she calling me when she's literally 2 rooms away from me?

I smile at the thought of her probably calling me to do something weird or whine like a baby for Taeyon or Jamie when they bother her when she is trying to sleep.

I quickly answer with a smile on my face.

"Little Meimei why are you-"

"Excuse me but am I speaking to Kim Namree?"

My smile instantly dropped and my throught felt like it was closing. I nervously gulped and tried to calmly answer back.

"Yes this is she, may I know why you are answering Jungmei's phone?"

"Miss I'm sorry to inform you that-"

Instantly by blood ran cold and my ears started to buzz. The voice on the line kept talking and I felt my heart being torn apart with each word.


".....everything we could-"

My whole world stopped at that second and I couldn't stand anymore. I fell to my knees knocking over the table beside my bed and screamed my heart out.

My tears were flowing out of my eyes burning my eyes while the room was spinning. She can't be...no I just saw her a few hours ago...

All the memories of us all flashed through my mind and I felt it suffocating me. It's not real no...someone is pranking me! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!

I screamed louder and sobbed wrapping my arms around my knees when I felt myself starting to breath heavier.

I felt someone wrap their arms around me and gently rock me.

"Namree! Namree breathe please!"

I heard the panicked voice of Seokmi while she gently rocked trying to calm me.

"Your having a panic attack sweetie..." Seokmi started running her fingers over my hair trying to calm me. Nothing can calm me! How?!! How?!!

"S-S-Seokmi!!!" I breathlessly yelled at her grabbing her shoulders.

I need to find out if it's true and only our manager can tell me right now...

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