(Octavia's Home Screen)

Octavia's lock screen was adorable. Maxim was man-spreading his legs and reading, while Octavia was hanging over his leg.

 Maxim was man-spreading his legs and reading, while Octavia was hanging over his leg

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

(Octavia's Lock Screen -imagine the child being a little bigger)

I notice Octavia looking at me, I gave her phone back to her, and she handed mine to me before wrapping her arms around my waist for a moment.

She pulled away and kissed me on the lips before she grinned and left with her friends or siblings. I think I'll just call them siblings.

After they've left I walk back to my room and notice she left her bag, I look and notice her gun and knives are still in the bag, making me worry about what if she gets herself in a situation and needs them.

Suddenly I get a text from "Tavia💋"
I smile while opening the chat.


Tavia💋:  I think I forgot my bag in the bathroom, can you put it up for me please?

me: Of course love, but did you leave your bag here accidentally or because you wanna come back over? 😉

Tavia💋:  Definitely because I want to come back over😋

me:  good choice love.
Shouldn't you be paying attention in class right now?
8:25am, Read

I chuckled before I went to Killian's room to make sure he was okay. I knock on the door and he yelled "come in"

Killian looked over at me with red teary eyes. I sat beside him on the bed and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, leaning him towards me.

I softly said "Talk to me Killian" at that he looked down before talking "I got so mad at her, I just wish she didn't do it without me. I get it though If thought she was probably dead too, I would've done it but she remembered all of their names.
I was useless back then. Every cut, every hit, every beating she took for me and now I'll probably never get the chance to speak to her again." Killian looked down guilty. My chest hurts hearing about Octavia getting hurt and it hurts seeing my best friend this conflicted.

I didn't know what to say, we were silent until I finally spoke up "I have her number if you wanna call her" I spoke merely above a whisper not wanting to disturb the silence.

That all went down the drain when Killian snapped his neck toward me, yelling I should have told him sooner. I chuckled before getting my phone out.

I see a number that I don't recognize, sent me 3 messages and a video.
Killian and I open the message to see it's from Oliver, Octavia must have given them my number or they stole it.

I look at the messages

unknown: Hey, it's Oliver

unknown: yes we stole your number from Octavia's phone while she was driving, get over it I guess

I chuckle after reading the second message, I like Oliver, he's protective but funny. I don't think he means to be sometimes. I continue looking at the messages with Killian

unknown: It's been 5 whole minutes since I texted you. Yes we're in class but Octavia is bored and when she's bored she annoys us. So point being is text her pleaseee

I laugh again knowing damn well he's being serious, while they were here Octavia and I was just laying in bed waiting for a while to get up and eat, I swear she took like a hundred pictures of us on her phone and a few on mine. I continued with the last message which was a 10-minute video of Octavia.

"I swear to satan if you don't shu-" The teacher interrupted her in french "qu'est-ce que je t'ai dit? on ne parle que français dans cette pièce" (French translation- What have I told you? We only speak french in this room.)

I look at Killian who looks like he is about to laugh but bites his lip. Octavia started to speak in french "oh mon putain de dieu ! évidemment vous savez que je peux parler français. Pourquoi dois-tu être une telle sorcière"
(french translation- oh my fucking god! obviously, you know I can speak french. Why do you have to be such a hag)

At this point, Killian and I are laughing at her antics and so are the kids in the class that understand french fluently. Octavia's phone started ringing and she looked at it for a minute, I heard a familiar voice "Why must you let your phone ring more than once?" the voice called out exasperated.

Octavia looked at him with a smirk before turning the volume up louder and letting it ring, completely ignoring the teacher yelling at her.

Next, I heard another familiar voice and name "Alexander! Maybe she wouldn't be so deadly serious about annoying the shit out of you if you weren't a dick to her" the voice sounded angry. They sound so familiar. I looked at Killian and he found them familiar as well.

Killian and I continue watching the video, after the boy spoke Octavia gave him a grin and said "See that's why I don't annoy River, he is nice unlike you, who makes me wanna push you down a hill into a pit of snakes" she finished smiling wickedly.

As soon as she said River, it clicked for me and Killian.

Oh Shit.

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