
I lifted my body up the the scarf and grabbed it with my hand. There is no way I can cut this with a normal knife. I tried prying it off my leg but it only got tighter. 

'If I don't get out fast they will count this a lost.' I began to think of what I could do. 

Suddenly I felt my arms begin to burn and I looked to find the cracks appearing. I then felt my eyes begin to burn as well.


'No no no... not now.. not now.' I panicked. 


I felt my conscious going and I began to hear the voices again of my parents. I tried to fight it but in the end I lost and my eyes closed. 

~~~~~In Y/n Head~~~~~

When my eyes opened I was somewhere dark and I could hear the voices echo and the same parts being blocked out. I began to walk around looking for a way out but saw nothing but darkness. 

'If I'm unconcise shouldn't I be in my tech world not.. this?'

As I walked the voices got louder and it began to hurt my head. I soon turned form walking to running and running to sprinting. The voices only got louder and louder and it hurt more and more. 

'If I'm in here what is happening out there?' 

~~~~~ 3rd Person ~~~~~

Y/n's eyes now turned a red color with a slight glow and the cracks on her arms were no different. Though her eyes held no emotion and looked blank like she wasn't there. She was also twitching every few seconds. She lifted her arms pointing at one of the few cameras around. Her body began to glitch red and black and then she suddenly disappeared. 

By this point the Lemon juice ran out and Aizawa looked around to only see a pair of cuffs on the ground and no Y/n. He walked over to the cuffs and picked them up and looked at them.  Suddenly they began to glitch red and black then disappeared from his hands. Getting on guard he looked around but saw nothing 

His scarf was now in his hands as he waited for something. He then got the urge to turn around so he did that and what he saw stunned him. 

There was Y/n looking at him with a blank face and red glowing eyes like from the meeting. Though this time she had cracks on her arms that glowed the same red with bits of black. They looked like they were almost pulsating. She was also twitching every few seconds, but that wasn't the only big thing. Everything around her was also glitching a red and black. 

The buildings glitched like they moved. The lights flickered in uneven patterns the ground even glitched like it was moving. 

In Y/n's hands laid the cuffs that had just been in his hands. 

It was silent and still except for the glitching and Y/n's twitching every few seconds. Suddenly with no warning Y/n opened her mouth and loud distorted glitching noise formed. It was loud and screeched in his ears making him cover them. 

She then ran at him at a fast speed and kicked him in the chest causing him to go flying back and on the ground. 

By the time he looked up again she was in front of him and she went for another kick getting him in the face. Before she could get him another time he used his scarf and grabbed her with it. But that didn't last long as she glitched and was out of the scarf again. When he looked around he saw nothing but suddenly there was a force on his back pushing him to the ground. 

His arms were put behind his back and cuffs were put on. 

Y/n had won. 

When the weight was no longer on him and he got off the ground and the cuffs off he looked to the side to see Y/n standing there the same as before. Suddenly her eyes closed and the cracks disappeared and when her eyes opened they were back to the normal E/c color.

~~~~~ Y/n POV ~~~~~ 

I kept running until I disappeared and when my eyes opened again Aizawa stood a bit in front of me. His eyes held confusion and worry and calculated. I'm sure my eyes held confusion as well.

'What had happened.' I thought. 

"Y/n Wins" I heard. 



'I won?' 


"Y/l" I heard Aizawa call. 

I looked at him as he has now turned to fully face me. 

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked. 

I shook my head 'no' I had no clue what happened. Last I remember I was suspended in the air by his scarf and my arms started to get cracks and burn along with my eyes. Then I lost consciousness. 

"Lets go back." He spoke as he walked to the exit. 


'Ok ya don't tell me what happened and just ignore what happened, alright.' I thought. 

I began to follow him as we walked to the exit me being just a little behind him. Suddenly I came to a stop and I began to cough. I coughed into my hand and when I stopped I looked to see blood now covering some of my hand. My eyes widen as I slowly look up to see Aizawa looking at me with worry and panic. 

Suddenly my eyes closed and I felt myself begin to fall.

I had gone back to being unconscious.   

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