What the Fuck Have You Done to Her?!

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I answered the call calmly "Hello papa" I said calmly while he looks worried and pissed

"Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how worried your mama and I have been? I literally can not leave you alone for a week. FUCK...." papa finished off yelling.

I was about to speak when he started "I will be there in three days, and when I get there I want an explanation." I just looked at the phone, and when I'm about to respond mama takes papas phone crying "My babies... I haven't seen you in such a long time.." she sobbed. Thankfully papa told her to go eat breakfast and he was right behind her. He looks at me for a moment before he asked to see the twins as well.

I leaned my phone on the kitchen counter so all 3 of us could be seen, I completely forgot where we are though.

"Yes papa" Oliver replied nervously. It was silent and tense for a moment before papa angrily spoke up "What did I say about looking out for them hm?" he questioned lowly but I came to Oliver's defense

"Papa I called him an ugly ass baboon and made him leave to get laid, he's been clinging to me, Zelda, and his pillow for the last week" I spoke up calmly

Papa didn't respond and we knew why, papa busted out laughing, he was laughing so hard he was wheezing. His laughing made me and Zelda laugh too.

I saw Evangelos chuckle a little and Elliot laughed.

"Okay, well since it is both of your faults that you scared me and your mama, your both training with me when I get back," Papa stated with finality.

Oliver looked like a sad puppy, he hates training with Papa but I love it. Before Oliver could beg him to not make him train, he asked the expected question in a voice so calm that the twins and I got nervous.

"Who are the two males beside you?" The twins took this as their opportunity to get me into deeper shit. I looked at them with a warning look and papa saw it

"Tavi please don't glare at your siblings it's rude, you know they get scared of you easily." Papa said and started again "Twins, I'm guessing you know from the look she just gave you?" he stated confidently in his answer

Zelda smirked before bringing Evangelos and Elliot beside me, where they can be seen.

"This is where our tracker led to papa, a man's penthouse" Zelda stated with a smirk, knowing I'm about to get it.

"Octavia, would you mind elaborating why the hell you are with the Greek Mafia Don?" Papa stated slowly but deathly calm. Shit, I'm fucking screwed.

"Papa, I-" I didn't get to finish my sentence when he said said "I know you all went clubbing last night" as he said this, with a concerned look on his face I knew where he was going with this.

"Octavia, did you drink?" I wasn't going to lie to him. "Yes Papa," I said void of emotion. He sighed and asked the question, I didn't think I would ever hear ask again, "Do I need to be worried? Do I need to bring you back to rehab?" I stared at the phone coldly before saying "No papa, I'm fine" He knows I'm not, especially with having to live with the Romanos again. I looked at the twins who looked confused.

No one knew about me having to go to rehab, only Papa. I needed to be alone for a moment so I left my phone with the twins and went into the living room.

I sat down on the couch, throwing my head back with a sigh.

I felt someone sit beside me, opening my eyes I look into the eyes I'm starting to fall for, Evangelos's green eyes. I barely even know him and I don't know, he could hurt me for all I know.

As with everyone else, he showed worry and concern. I just ignored it and laid my head down on his lap. I felt his hand move to my hair and start massaging my scalp.

I was almost asleep again until I heard the rest walk in. Zelda all but screamed "What have you done with my sister, my ruthless, cold-hearted sister?!" she looked at me and Evangelos was mortified.

Oliver thought he should continue by speaking calmly "I don't know what you have done with her but we need her to come back so she can torture our prisoners."

I wanted to slap him but I didn't feel like moving off of Evangelos.

Oliver was about to speak again but cut himself off not sure if he should say it out loud. He looked towards me so I spoke up "They know everything" I stated tiredly.

The twins looked at me and spoke "Everything everything?" they snapped their heads to me in sync... Kinda creepy.

"Yes, everything," I said closing my eyes.

Zelda speaks up "You didn't take your sleeping pill last night did you?" I didn't know how to respond because that is not why I didn't get enough sleep but I looked at her like she was stupid.

"Zelda, I drank 2 bottles of Vodka and 1 bottle of tequila by myself" I stated slowly so she would understand.

She looked at me like I was crazy for a moment before saying "I know with the experiments-" I cut her off with a cold glare but it was too late.

"What experiments?" Elliot stated confused.
"You said they knew everything, this is not my fault Tavia" Zelda nervously said with her hands up in defense.

I know it wasn't her fault. Still laying my head on Evangelos's lap I start speaking.

"After I got Elliot out of the Irish's compound, still badly injured. I shouldn't have been able to walk, nevertheless kill 14 men, just to get another kid out and leave myself."

I sighed, trying to keep my emotions in check, "The Irish Don was amazed at what I had done. It wasn't even that hard when you spend 7 years being beaten just because they saw you, you learn how to be sneaky." I pause and give the twins a knowing look and point to my bag.

Oliver handed me my bag with a smile. I took out my chocolate bar and continued talking.

"As I was saying I got sneaky, then my aunt and uncle sold me to the Irish to pay off debts and shit. The Irish thought I was special because of my eyes. They took a bunch of tests and didn't find what they were looking for and started to do experiments."

I sighed again but I was almost done, I crumbled up my chocolate wrapper and gave it to Oliver, who rolled his eyes annoyed.

"With all the chemicals they injected into me, I can't feel a lot of pain, it just feels like a shock, I can turn off my emotions like a light switch. After all the training with the Russians, the twins and I bought a house to live in, I went to my aunt and uncles sometimes to make sure they haven't killed themselves, they did and now we're here " I ended.

As I'm done Elliot looks guilty and this time the twins do too. "Octavia was the only person they experimented on, she didn't allow my twin and I to be hit, they saw her as stupid but strong, and they wanted to break her," Zelda spoke up after a minute.

I zoned out until I felt Evangelos slide his thumb across the corner of my lip and smiled at my confused face.

"You had chocolate on your lips," he said slightly amused. Having been staring at Evangelos's features again I forgot the twins were sitting there until I heard Zelda.

"What the fuck have you done to her?!"

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