"I'm shocked you even still want to work on the case." Hyunjin speaks up.

Felix's eyes go to Hyunjin, and his eyebrows lightly furrow at the sight. Hyunjin is standing a bit awkwardly, like he is nervous. It's a new sight. His expression is showcasing concern, and it makes Felix feel fluttery knowing he is concerned for him— which is super sad. Why does that excite him?

"Are you sure..?" Hyunjin says softly, eyes directly on Felix. ".. after everything?"

"I'm sure." Felix says, his expression softening.
"I'll be fine, Hyunjin. I mean, if I am being honest, I want to work more to solve it after everything. I have so many questions. Why? Who? How? When? Why?"

"I get where you are coming from." Chan says, now way closer to the two.
"I'll figure something out, to help you stay involved. Maybe we can set up a zoom call or something.. I mean anything would work."

"Yeah." Felix says, yawning afterwards. "It's really late.. you should get home."

Chan chuckles, shaking his head. "I tried too, but then you made me go get this.. Hyunjin."
He motions his hand to Hyunjin, clearly holding back whatever inappropriate remark he was about to make. This is still work, he keeps forgetting. If this were anything less professional, he would have said and done some terrible things by now.

"He isn't that bad." Felix says honestly, giving Chan a look that could kill if Felix didn't look so innocent.

Chan widens his eyes, giving Felix that look. That's the last look he shares with any of them, because he takes steps to the front door afterwards. Felix chuckles, waving to him as he steps outside and locks the door behind him.

When he is gone, Hyunjin scoffs— catching Felix's attention. When their eyes meet, Hyunjin glares at Felix. "He isn't that bad?"

Felix smiles, giggling. He makes his way over to Hyunjin's. "You're so sensitive." He says, getting closer to Hyunjin. He stays facing him, and leans his head on Hyunjin, almost falling into him as Nabi is sandwiched between them— out cold in Felix's arms.

"Could I maybe.." Felix starts, but his words are too soft to hear.


"Could I maybe sleep with Nabi tonight? She whispered that she wanted to have a sleepover with me before she fell asleep." Felix says. "I promise I don't kick or anything."

Hyunjin smiles. He hates to admit it, but he really doesn't mind Nabi being with him. After Christmas, he has developed some major trust with Felix. He might be moving to fast, and it might be to early to let him into her life, but he doesn't see a problem with it.

"I'm sure she'd like that." Hyunjin says. "I trust you, fully. So don't break that." He crosses his arms sternly, trying to act like he isn't actually completely weak at the thought of Felix being with Nabi. "Plus, I'll probably be in the next room anyways."

Felix eyes light up the more he speaks. "Really? You'd let me?" He says. This is the most excitement Felix's eyes have shown in the past six or seven hours, so Hyunjin can't help but feel he made a trustworthy opinion.

Hyunjin smiles, wrapping his arms tightly and comfortably around the both of them. He sighs. "What a day we have had, right?" He chuckles, finding the whole situation hilarious, even if it is far from.

Felix chuckles into Hyunjin's chest too, attempting to slightly nod his head.
"And to think ten hours ago I thought this night was going to end with us doing things I shouldn't mention." Felix's words muffle in Hyunjin's chest, almost inaudible if you weren't listening for them.

"You know," Hyunjin pulls his arms back, placing them on Felix's face instead. He lifts Felix's head so he is looking at him now, and smiles. "I would kiss you right now if today wasn't such a disaster and I wasn't so tired right now."

Felix can't help but get butterflies, but instead of showing it— he wants to play tease. He raises a teasing brow, a little smile accompanying it. He looks down to Hyunjin's lips before his eyes meet Hyunjin's eyes again.
"That isn't very first date of you, Hwang Hyunjin."

Hyunjin does the same eye thing Felix did, and smiles.
"Like you said," his smile turns into a sly smirk. "We are past the first date line, Lee Felix." He says, squinting his eyes for a quick second— making Felix even more drawn into Hyunjin.

Felix smiles, his heart beating faster. Hyunjin totally knows what he does to Felix, and it doesn't help that he can feel his heartbeat with how close they are to each other.

Felix, however, does the unexpected by separating himself from Hyunjin. He holds Nabi closer, and turns around— heading to the staircase. "I'm going to go to bed, I'm about to fall asleep down here."

Hyunjin clicks his tongue at the teasing action, but smiles anyway. He loves it. He follows behind Felix, "Would you let me join you?"

Felix, who is already almost at the top of the stairs, looks down at Hyunjin, who is still towards the bottom. He smirks. "That's you're call," he says. "But just incase, I'll be in the last room on the right."

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