Knowing that Alexander shouldn't even be in this classroom let alone beating this guy I go to take a step forward but am stopped by a hand on my shoulder. Looking at the hand I follow the arm to face the individual who was stopping me. It was one of the guys that I had seen around Alexander, seemingly coming into the classroom when Alexander did.

"you're going to get hurt if you go in there" he says with a small smug smile thinking that I couldn't see it

"get your hand off me. I can handle myself and besides aren't you suppose to be wanting me to get hurt" I say looking to his neck where his mafia tattoo was. I've noticed them on all of the guys that Alexander talks too

The guy just shrugs and takes his hand off me, as soon as he does that I go into the fighting ring, being careful to not get myself hurt. Finding an open spot I pull Alexander off him, feeling me pulling him Alexander goes to turn on me and start hitting me but as soon as he sees my face he pulls his fist back and just stays there looking at me and panting.

"What are you doing" Alexander asks looking at me as if I was crazy

"What am I doing? What the hell are you doing! your not in this class and I can't see why you would come in here just to have a fight with someone" I half yell, surprising not only me but Alexander as well

Alexander doesn't say anything he just grabs my hand and pulls me outside the classroom with me asking him all sorts of questions. After we are far enough from the classroom he stops and looks at me again. The only weird thing is that two other people were with us, the guy that tried to stop me and another one.

"he was making you uncomfortable" Alexander says with a frown, clearly trying to not show his anger

"I was about to deal with it, Alex. I don't need someone trying to do everything for me" I explain as calmly as I can, not doing it that well

"but he was making you uncomfortable as soon as he walked over there and you did nothing. He didn't care what you said or did" with him saying that I just stop and look at him

"how long were you watching me?" I ask suddenly feeling a little weirder out

"that doesn't matter-"

"how long were you watching me?" I ask cutting him off

"5 minutes after class started" he mumbles looking down at the ground

"Why, your not supposed to even be talking to me why the hell are you skipping class just to look at me"

"Because you just stopped talking to me and you are avoiding me, I wanted to make sure you were okay, to make sure nothing like that would happen to you" he explains pointing inside when talking about the things inside

"Have you done this before, staring, stalking me" I don't even know why I'm asking this, I should have just left and not leaving is making it harder to leave

"Ever since you left" he again mumbles looking at the ground

"I didn't leave Alex, I found out who you were. Why, why would you become friends with me knowing that we aren't allowed to. If my brothers found out they would kill you and then never let me out of the house without one of them" now I'm just getting everything out that I had wanted to say

"Who cares about your brothers, they aren't here right now" I could tell that Alex was getting angrier, so I decided to just stop the conversation

"Goodbye Alex" I mutter as I turn to walk away

"Why are you leaving" he yells, getting the class's attention again

"Because we can't talk to each other. our families are enemies Alex, how do you think they will act if they found out that we were friends. Stop stalking me too I can take care of myself, I don't need your 'protection'" as soon as I finish I walk into my class and sit down in my seat

The jock was no longer on the floor but there was a little pool of blood there that one of the guys was cleaning up. The teacher wasn't there still so everyone was talking again. The only difference was everyone was talking and looking at me.

Ignoring them I turn my head and look outside, in the hallway where Alexander was still standing in the same spot, we catch eyes for a couple of seconds before he looks over to his two friends that were still there and they all walk off finally leaving me alone.

The teacher never came back to the class so as soon as the bell went I left to go to art, somewhere that I can to help process everything that just went down. I walk over towards my locker to get everything I need and put away my science book. On the way there everyone was looking at me and pointing, obviously talking about what has happened.

Ignoring it I walk a little faster and change my books, heading straight to the art classroom. When I get there however literally every single one of my cousins and family that go to school was there along with their friends, all with scowls on their faces.

Walking over to them slowly Gabriel grabs my arm, not hard but very firm, turning me around and walking me all the way back to my locker so I can grab my bag, everyone else following. None of us saying anything, I knew this was about Alex and they were not happy about it.

It seemed like today was the day that everyone was getting Costello drama and they all had a front-row seat. Most people were out in the hallways still so they could see all nineteen of us walking out of school with me kind of being pushed.

As we were about to make it to the front doors, however, Alex was against a locker with his friends talking. With our big group walking kind of fast obviously, he was interested, when he saw that it was my family though he immediately searched for me when he found me in the middle his eyes went down to where Gabriel was still holding my arm.

His eyes went back up to my face and in his eyes was annoyance and anger, knowing he was about to come over I shake my head and look over to his friend that tried to stop me today, making eye contact I silently told him to make sure Alex didn't do anything stupid. Giving a small nod I looked back to the front, seeing we were at the front doors and just about to walk into them if it hadn't been for Amadeo, Alonzo and Aurelio pushing open the doors.

We all split into different cars and bikes, me being forced into the middle back seat with all of the older guys meaning they were the biggest ones out of everyone. They probably did this so I won't have any chance to escape but I know escaping will just make everything worse. that's the one thing I will never do is escape; my life has taught me that trying to escape never ends well. It just makes everything so much worse.

The one bad thing about all of them being so big is that they are so close to me, spiking my anxiety even more. Yes, I trust that they won't hurt me but my body still thinks sometimes, especially when I am in situations like this. Being in a small space with such large people.

Everyone leaves the parking lot pretty fast, way faster than usual and we make our way home that is defiantly going to be a short drive.

. ☾ . 

this was really fun to write and I cant wait to write the next bit. I am slowly actually making a plan for the way the story will go instead of just winging it every chapter so hopefully it will be better 

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